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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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Guest King of Games

"Thanks, you too. I really do respect you man. Oh and by the way im selling your kidney

on EBAY. Burst!"

Jack's fiery form appeared. A flaming arm was inside Zaar's side.

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"Grrrrrhhhajahdjahd" Zaar Screamed in pain as the petals dropped to the ground


"Thats fight man" he said as the petals left thousand of cuts on Jacks body, making blood gash out like crazy

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Guest King of Games

it wasn't just blood spillng out. many of the items he had collected and phased into himself were falling out aswell. Some soaking up blood.

"I keep things inside for a reason." He could barely stand. "Now about that kidney..."

He fist went solid in Zaar's side. it was now some of Zaar's blood falling out of Jack's cuts

along with his own.


ooc:i have to go for supper be back in around an hour, hour and a half

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Ooc: Ok, it's done. Now you may continue.


Josh immediately charged across the arena, his Aero-Guard already active, he stopped once he made it to the other end of the arena, he took the wind from his Aero-Guard and started focusing it around his hand. The circling rings of wind grew smaller and smaller until they began to only circle around Josh's hand. He then yelled towards the girl freezing Refia. He yells to her, while smiling, "I suggest you leave her alone, that is if you don't want any trouble." In the hand the rings were circling, a spiraling sphere began to develop in the palm of the hand.


Aero-Guard Lvl 2 - Spiraling Aero-Sphere

Type: Wind/Special/Pierce, Push

Potential Damage Level: 5


Can only be used by Wind Whisperers. Once the Aero-Guard has been used, you can shift the wind energy from the Aero-Guard and concentrate it all on your hand. This will create a wind energy flow that will spiral in your palm. While the sphere will remain in tact and not have to be focused on, the rings still spiraling around it still need the concentration, since it is still technically an Aero-Guard technique. One the sphere has reached it's full peak, it can be used as a weapon to deal a great amount of damage to the users body, although it may not look like it from the outside. After it has connected, it sends the opponent spiraling backwards at a rapid rate while scarring up the insides of the person and pushes them back with extremely powerful force. This technique was once said to be a more developed from of an ancient technique once used by a Wind Whisperer in the past. Also, like the Aero-Guard, once you use it, you can't use it again for 1 day.

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Guest King of Games

"Well..., i guess that means you win. Good ...fight. i hope you're... happy. You might want to put that kidney on ice, hehe"

Jack collasped on the ground next to Zaar, kidney still in his hand. The medalian glowing dimly.

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Rina altered the air in Josh's hand, turning it into Ice, "Whos going to stop me, you little one" she said laughing


Zaar grabbed his Kidney and inserted it where it needed to go, he started to seal his wounds with flames when he noticed something, the amulet Jack was using, he took it from Jack and put it in his pocket as he continued his healing. Seconds later he sees someone trying to harm Refia, he also noticed the figure doing so, it was his sister



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The ice cannot contain the fierce winds within the sphere and it bursts open, pieces of ice flying everywhere. Josh stands there, not even blinking from the burst, still smiling as the wind continues to spiral in his palm. "Well, I might. But the wolf might have a second opinion."


Ooc: Omg, super special awesome plot twist! :D

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"Heh, good just how i wanted it to happen, look whats happening to the shards" she said as they started to cling back towards josh, "O and as for the dog" she said as she froze it

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The force emitting from the wind kept the shards from reconnecting to Josh. It was as if Josh wasn't trying to contain the fierce winds in his hand. It would probably damage him and every single person around him if it got out of control. Josh continued to smile though, despite all that is happening. "You think you can kill me, but death is not an option. Plus, I'd rather not have everyone in here be in harms way."

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Zaar rushed down towards his sister and saw Josh, "Get out of the way, Josh" he said as he pushed him aside, "So sister how long has it been, 6, 7 years"


"What do you know, Zaarie is here, so Ive finally found you" she said as her shards attacked Josh again

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Josh may have been pushed out of the way, but he continued to keep control over the winds, now being serious, as he almost lost control, still smiling. He crawls away, keeping a good distance away from the two, and keeps a hold of the wind in his hand, while at the same time, keeping the shards away from him by using the winds that the sphere in his hand is emitting. He stands up and watches the two talk to each other. "Sister, eh? I guess this is a family feud thing? So I'll just watch you two battle it out from here."

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