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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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Guest King of Games

Jack noticed a guy standing next to the girls bathroom door, facing the wall.

"What you doing?"

"Sneeking a little peak. I can see though solid objects." he snickered

"Hey buddy, that's not right!"

"you are to tell me what's right!" he said turning towards Jack.

"Ever hear of right right to privacy?" Jack reached into his side and pulled out his kidney.

"That outta teach ya a little respect" Jack yelled as the boy ran off.

Jack felt slighty awkward. What he had just prevented was exactly what he had been

kicked out of other schools for doing.

"These people are being too much of a good influence on me. Hey! That's the last person i needed to give what they deserved. Time to go collect."

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stand up and looks at him self in the mirror. he was still him, but that dream was so real. he loooked over at his trunk. in was a treasure chest shaped one, he bought when he left his village. he opened it and took out a strange flute like thing, with a turning sun circle at the end and a moon shaped creasant pipe with a place to put your mouth to play. he took it up to the tower at the left wing of the school at the top, and started playing, letting the wind carrie the sound through the school.


ooc: the flute looks like the one from pokemon 2000 but has a sun circle instead of a shell, and the stone pipe looks like a creasant moon. btw, the song playing is lugias song from 2000 to.

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Guest King of Games

"Allow me to be the first to welcome you. You want to fight someone, wait til arena's

clear and just challedge them." He heard Kaze's conversion with the others. "And by the

sounds of things, a match is about to begin. You'll want to see this." And left to find the

others. He couldn't find or hear Smerte anyway.

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Guest King of Games

"So who's it going to be next? I could fight any one of you. but looks like Kaze has a few

opponent's lined up." Jack appeared some feet away, walking towards the group.

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