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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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Guest King of Games

"hey, i get it you want some space, i'll go." Turns invisible. "Keep the popcorn, i had too much." Jack departs for a ground level view and slpis though the floor.

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Smerte was bored and walked away from the fight. It seemed pointless to him.


He went up to his room, waiting for someone to want his pendant, and started practicing his skills. He started with his favorite basic technique on his practice mannequinn, Bleeding Heart.


Bleeding Heart


Level: 1-3

Description: Smerte focuses on the heart of a person. If the heart is filled with deep hate toward the user, the damage increases, and the effect increases as well. Smerte' blue eyes create a mini explosion in the heart.

Level 1(Less hate): Stuns the opponent for a little bit, and hurts a little.

Level 2(Not hate, but not like): Blood comes out of the mouth, and opponent is stunned for a longer time.

Level 3(Pure hatred): Mini heart attack, and has a mini seizure as well.

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Guest King of Games

"what's this." Jack noticed the flyer attached to a wall"'Magic Pendant for sale, come to Smerte's room and prove your worth for it'. hmm, well i've seen the most exciting part of the match and i can hear how it ends anyways. I'll check it out."

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"Ok." said Refia. she pointed her sword downward, and turned it to the other side. It had a green circle on it. "Earthern Dive." she said as she sank into the ground like it was water. She was soon under ground, with no light."Scanner." she muttered under ground.


OoC: I already filled out the form for scanner, but Earthern Dive is new


Attack Name: Earthern Dive

Type: Earth

Potential Damage Level: 1-4 it kinda depends how hard she hits him =/

Description: The person using this dives into the earth as if it was water, and has a surprise attack on its opponent. The level depends on how hard the person attacks when they jump out of the ground.

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Now! shadow mirage! (as she sprung upward, jayson jumped back and replaced himself with a clone, though she did hit an arm she hit the shadow arm, which when striked, coated her, in inky black shadow.) you honestly think i'd be caught of guard that easily? the shadows i used were connected to the ground, and being lighter the people can slightly vibrate when a force is moving. why else would i have stayed i one spot while waiting for you to strike? now, time to end this! shadow coffin!(the shadow spread around refia covering all her body, except her face. sealing her in a coffin made of shadow) this coffin will slowly get tighter and tighter, as time goes on. you may either surrender, or die in vain. (refia may not have noticed but, when she came up not only did she come up and strike the clone, but on the back swing, jayson underesttimated the length of the blade and it had cut a wound up his for-arm)


shadow mirage:

type: shadow

user replaces self with a shadow copy. the weaker the user, the slower the recation time


shadow coffin:

type: shadow

damege rate: repetedly 1's and 2's

user traps enemy in a tomb of shadows, that will slowly crush them over time.

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so be it. this match is over no matter what you do. your situation is hopeless. you are stuck in that coffin, light magic will only make it worse, your blade is sealed in a layer of shadow out of your reach, i've been only using half of my power to fight you(the other half to fight shadius) and refia's almost totaly drained of energy. the wise choice is to acept the fact, you lost. this is only a tournament, and i'm not your real enemy. you may not know this but, i hate him just as much as you do.

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"Well then, let me go.I can accept the fact that I've been defeated. The only reason I'm doing this is that if you kill me, he will be released. I can tell." said Refia in her own voice. "Heh, I guess those years of practice under that demon didn't help. I should have used my physical attacks." she put her head down and looked to the side.

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He shifts his head down. "Spirits, demons, powers of great calibur, this is all a little too convenient for my tastes. Somethings wrong. I can feel it." Pretty soon, the battle was over, and he decided to leave off to his room, but then remembered, he had to watch Kaze fight still. So he sticked around.

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"Ugh." said Refia,walking to her room.Soon as she was there, she relized that she still hadn't unpacked. "Aw." she said, hitting her face with her hand.She put a few books on a shelf,put her bedsheets on her bed, put her clothes in her closet.Oh, and how can she forget the picture of her family tooken when she was a baby, and forget about Zaar's gift to her? She set them both down on her bed side table. Once she laid down on her bed, she was asleep.

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OoC: the rp's back up?!?! =O I thought all of you left it for dead >.> ANYWAY This Rp may be active or not, but Chaos and I have an Idea for another rp that is accosiated with this one. It's when Sayuri, Ginro, and Shadius are still a live. It's not ready yet but we have to run the idea with doom.You can pm either me or Chaos if you're interested. But this rp can still be active while we have the other one, you know >.>

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