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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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he couldn't keep him in any longer, but that didn't mean he would let him out either. he dicided to only broadcast his essence to sayuri's mind "here this you little pixie of a spirit, you may not know this but we both suffer simaliar fates. i'm stuck in this whelp of a boy as you are stuck in that demon girl of yours. unfortunatly, you seem to have more control over yours then i do mine. i cannot appear as long as at least part of his mind is fighting back. i wish i could destroy you agian but he simply won't let me, so here i wait untill the next time he losses focus and i can play once agian. untill then farewell" shadius's essence slips away from her mind, and back to the depths of jaysons.

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OoC; I'll pm you my part of the story, God Kaze


Bic: Sayuri glared at Jayson, then looked at Zaar. "Pick me. Shadius will not possess that boy for a while, I do not want you to kill another inocent life, Ginro. You've ruined to many already." she said to Zaar.

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Guest King of Games

Jack whistles when he sees Sayuri,"She's a looker" and appears beside Kaze. Looks like the fights heating up and is now a three way battle. Popcorn?" He shook a bag towards Kaze. "Ever get lonely up here by yourself?"

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Kaze laughed. "I wish I knew what was going on. I look away for a sec and the whole thing esculades into this". Grabbing a handful of pop corn, he continued to watch. "It's not as lonely as you think." he mumbled with a mouth full of food.



[i have absolutely no idea what's going on. I'll have to wait for the pm. Anyway, I decided that a whoel database of attacks would be too time consuming and would need to be constantly updated. I could do the job normally, but not while I have my own RP to run. Anywho, you all know the format, so it'd be easier if everyone created their own using the guidelines I've set. Here are some examples:]


Storm Pillar

Wind / Special / Slash

Level 5

A tordado-like spiral of wind appears around the user. Windspeeds are controllable. The attack is identical to that of a real storm, but with the user safely hidden within its eye. This attack cannot be dispursed except by a large attack.


Shadow Ball

Dark / Special / Push

Level 2

A ball of shadows is formed and launched at the opponent.


Swift Shadow Blade Strike

Dark / Physical / Slash

Level 4

User emerges from a visible shadow and strike the opponent. You cannot use this attack unless you have the “Blade of the Forbidden Shadows”.




User moves at a high speed. Appears as if only a single small step has been taken.


[it'd be easier if everyone came up with their own in this format, and posted it at the bottom of each post that they use the attack (Have an archive saved somewhere on your computer of your own moves).]

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ooc: speaking of which kase: your presence is required in poke community, your presence is required in poke community. back to jayson.


it seems you both were touched by him in such way. but, i will not let him out. i lost all i had last time i did, at i don't want to lose any more. sayuri or whoever you are, i will fight you if i must, but not this you. i would like to finish the match with refia if you don't mind. you'll get shadius after i get rid of him

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"I can't. I sense great danger coming from you. I've made a promise to Refia that she'll hold back her power if I protect her. I will go, if you promise not to let Shadius possess you. I feel you are weakening from him. Refia will not fight like she did before, however, because her energy is drained. Do you understand this?"she asked him.

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Guest King of Games

"Ohh. I want a spirit too! So long as its a girl like that Sayuri. looks like those guys get quite a bit of help from them. Wonder how powerful they'd be on their own?"

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"Hrm what do you know, the kid wants back out, it looks like ill have to go for now, I will get my revenge when we next meet Sayuri" He said as the eyes returned to the normal brown. "So what happened here, and why im I in the arena" Zaar asked

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Guest King of Games

"yeah. i could probably handle things on my own. want to see something? he pulls a bunch of cottom candy out from inside his leg. Sometimes i just forget i've phased though something when i go solid so it just stays in me til i remember to get it out. hehe" takes a big bite of Cottom candy.

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Guest King of Games

"All that action and now were in suspense. I see why the romans enjoyed their colloseums so much. This is more fun then a barrel full of monkeys."

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