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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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[i'm glad to hear you like the system. I forgot about evasive and defensive moves. I will creat a similar level system for them, depicting how much they can block, etc. I'll get started later, right now I have some work with my own RP to take care of. Oh, and if no one minds, I would also like to teach a class, Summoning 101. ^^]

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OoC; the riddle confuses me/Refia @_@ So the answer is lightbulb/light?


"Why do I have to answer it? I mean, come on. Is this really needed?" she asked him, trying to remove her leg.She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they turned yellow, and she scanned the shadows.


Attack Name: Scanner

Types: Light

Potential Damage Level: 0? (this doesn't hurt anyone, only helps herself)

Description: This is only for the user's benifit. It doesn't damage the oppenent, only helps locate certain people and/or objects

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ooc: alright

well you see, i'm giving you the chance to prove your power before you lose. thatand it's fun to toy with my prey.(the last part wasn't supposed to come out. in fact he didn't even think that. it's like something else made him say it) scanning the shadows won't do any good. think harder

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Refia blinked again, and her eyes returned to red. "Dang, couldn't find anything. Wait, if I absorb the light....then the shadows will go away." She smiled and tipped her sword out of it's sheath, and looked at the circle on it. "Light absorb." she muttered to her sword. The circle began to glow and started to absorb all the light.Soon, it was done.


Attack Name: Light Absorb

Type: Light... again xD

Potential Damage Level:1

Description: It aborb all of the ligh around them, storing it inside the sword. When The light is used, it may or may not be a powerful attack, it depends on the light.

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congradulations!(clones disappeared and jayson was left in the middleof the arena.) now i can no longer hide in the shadows, but, you haven't totally limited me. (pulls out pendant, it shines as bright as a star.) as long as i have this, i can still use shadow magic, but i cannot hide in the shadows. now i wish to wrap this up, if you don't mind. (pulls out staff) shadow bind!(same as when used against zaar, she can't move)

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Smerte finally unpacked his things since he came here. He looked around in his suitcase and found a pendant. He remembered his mother giving him this pendant. It was said to absorb a power and use it for a temporary use. He didn't want it, as he was fine with his own. Maybe one of the students would like it....


"Magic Pendant for sale, come to Smerte's room and prove your worth for it!"


He put up the sign everywhere. Hopefully, someone good hearted would take it...


Suddenly, he saw a group of people watching something. He sat down and watched the fight between Refia and Jayson.


"Go Refia!"

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now let's see what you have, shadow drain.

effect: drains away shadow and power at the same time. the smaller the shadow the weaker one gets.

(refia's shadow starts to shrink, while jay's gets bigger.) soon i will have drained you of all your powers. just give up. i've been toying with you this entire time. i've seen your techniques, there's nothing you, in your current form, can do to stop me from winning.

OOC: can you see the hit to what i want refia to do shaymin

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Guest King of Games

"Still no sign of a girls' changeroom. oh well more time to look later." looks down at the arena from stands. "And now i'm back at the arena, great. You godda be kidding me, The fairy still hasn't won. At least she stopped those clones." Dylan ran past. "Is there a breeze in here?"

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"Uh." said Refia, feeling as if she'll drop to her knees and faint. A voice called to her in her head. You can't give up. There's a way to defeat him. Just don't give up. Refia looked at her shadow. "Great." she muttered. She closed her eyes, and it was like she fainted. Her eyes opened again, but to a different color, and not yellow either. They were light blue this time. "Show your true self, Shadius. You can't hide forever!" she said, in the different voice she had before. An older, more mature one.


OoC: I think we might have to explain what's happening, doom 0.0

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