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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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Guest King of Games

"That's a nice trick. Being able to heal yourself and all." Jack appeared next to the door where Zaar was standing. "wonder what else you can do."

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"Its a technic I made while badly injured, it uses a small flame to accelarate the cells in the body so it heals fast, but my wounds are still bad, I dont want to open them back up" Zaar muttered

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Guest King of Games

"Who needs to heal." he turned invisible. "When you can't be found in the first place?" and reappeared behind Zaar "I'm Jack, what's your name?"

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normally i would be affendid. but i'll make an exeption (wiped face with back of claw.now all you have to do is figure out how to make all of these shadows dissapear... i'll give you a hint. you must be a blubthgil.

ooc: look at weird word very carefully. it has a meaning. mabey it in another direction or something.

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"Excuse me for a second" he said as he quickly disappeared, and reappeared behind refia, "Be careful, even tho I have wounds if you need my help just ask me" he said as he disappeared once again

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Zaar appeared behind *whos ever your charas name is Doom* "Im just talking to someone if you have a problem we will meet after this" he muttered as he reappeared behind josh

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"..." Zaar made a grunt as he disappeared behind jayson, "I also have a question for you and if you hurt Refia, I will step in" he said as he disappeared to the roof of the school

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Kaze looked over at Zaar. "This is my spot, go away." he said and went back to scribbling notes on the battle below.



This is the system I've worked out, tell me if you guys like it before I continue. If you want changes, please say so.


Attack Name

Types: Element (if any) / Physical, Special, or other / Property (Slash, Pierce, etc.)

Potential Damage Level



Potential Damage Level

Level 1

Does not inflict damage to the opponent unless the opponent is pushed/pulled into other players, objects, obstacles, etc.


Level 2

The attack inflicts minor damage with no lasting effects.


Level 3

Inflicts minor to moderate damage with small lasting effects. Burns, scars, etc.


Level 4

Can inflict a large amount of damage and greatly injure the opponent.


Level 5

Potentially lethal, the attack can inflicts an incredible amount of damage to a human being.


Over 9000!!!!

Threatens to destroy the earth...


Ok, that last one was more of a joke, but "Level 6" seemed like such a boring name.



Here is an example using Kaze's Wind Rifle:


Wind Rifle

Wind / Special / Push

PDL: Level 1


Kaze pulled his right arm back behind him. A vortex of wind spiraled around his forearm and hand. Both were no longer visible in the rapidly shifting air. Suddenly, Kaze shifted himself forward, and swung his arm straight out towards the enemy, punching the air. The mini tornado extended across the field. A pillar of wind connected from Kaze's arm and stretching across the field. "Wind Rifle!"

-Description by God Kaze, Page 3.

This attack is used mainly to push the opponent metres away into objects. Because of its formation, it can be trumped by almost any other attack Property. (Cut through by a "Slash" attack, dispersed by a "Pierce" attack, etc.)

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now, now, it's not to hard.(her foot is traped in the shadow clones leg. it absorbed it) i'll give you another hint, if shadows exist with the light, what would get rid of the light

OOC: to many riddles, the anwser was lightbulb in reverse meqaning to absorb all light around to cancel out the shadows and force him out of the shadows.

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Guest King of Games

ooc: what about a level for moves used to duck/dodge/block attacks?


"It's simple really, but she needs to figure it out in her own. Hope she can, it'd be a shame to ruin such a pretty face with scars."

The crowd's yelling and cheering was like a Bullhorn in Jack's ear. "Man i have headache!

Can someone get me an aspirine?" *downside of having super-hearing*

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