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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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"You sure? Ok." she said as the armor that had shown before in her last fight came again. "Something sort of simple." she said to herself, aiming an open hand at Jayson. An orb of light began to form at her palm. "FIRE!" she said as it had gotten big enough for her, and it left her hand and was hurling towards him.

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the orb impacted but hit shadow flesh. the orb then exploded spreading light through out the arena. "not bad but there's a slight problem with your logic, shadows grow with the light. in other words the more light you make or use, the stronger i become. now allow me," the shadows around the stadium, grew with the burst of light then slowly krept into jay's hand forming an orb of shadows, slightly larger then refia's light ball. then he fired it straight towrds refia.

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[Ok, for this "Technique Guide" to work, I need each person to post a DETAILED Description of their attacks. I will mortalize each attack with a number rating. Also, I have a problem with these "continueouslyinstantly lose blood" attacks. If you want a member to bleed, cut them yourself. (0.0) Ok, I didn't mean that to sound as dark as it did, but to hurt your opponent, you're going to have to do some work, not just stand there and say a magic word. All those in favor?]

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ooc: I. i will send you a pm of all of jaysons current moves. also, the moves sould be sorted into catagorys, like pokemon moves such as psyical, special(most of my moves) or other, meaning power/hp increases and different means of motion moves. aka like what my charrie usess to get around through the shadows is actullay a battle move.

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[Ok, I'll have the first bit of the guide up tomorrow. I want to make sure everything is balanced out. The attacks will be seperated into different catagories, such as "Magic", "Elemental", "Physical", etc. ONCE THE GUIDE IS CREATED, If you develope a new technique, you could pm it to me, and I could register it so that you can use it against another, but your opponent won't know about it (very sneaky). But like I said, after the guide is created.]

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OoC; I'll have to pm you the moves later, bastionsgirl is glaring at me right now ._.


Bic: Refia got hit in the leg with the shadow ball. "Ouch." she said. She launched into the air and drew her sword. "Never thought I'd have to use this so soon again." she muttered, and flew as fast as she could towards Jayson, her sword in front of her.


OoC: If the ball supposed to do more damage than a bruise, tell me and I'll change it like she was cut with it or something.

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ooc: no, actually that was one of the weakest attacks.


refia came full force at jay, giving him enough time to sink into the shadows and re appear on the other side of the field, after getting slightly cut by refia on one of the parts that wasn't shadow, his right arm. "try this, shadow warp fist!" punches the shadow on the ground and his hand was absorbed into it. then a shadow fist emerges from the shadow cast by refia under neath her and punchess straight up hitting her stomach, and she is knocked of balence and sent plumitting to the ground.

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"Ugh!" groaned Refia as she hit the ground. She punched the ground with a tight fist, sending roots from near by trees straight towards Jayson. The roots entwined around his waist and arms and legs.She got up to her knees, another light ball formed in her hand, spinning like a drill.She slowly got up and aimed at Jayson again."Let's see you get away this time." she said.

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"ok. but only cause you asked" his 3 shadow limbs melt away leaving only one still attacked to the tree. (gotta hate the limbs!) they then re form and he pulls out his blade and it melted around his hands forming claws (thank you chaos) which he used to slice through the remaing ties. having little time left, he puts his hands in front of him so that the drill of light was being slightly kept at bay by his shadow guantlets, slowly wearing both the drill and the claws away. "i must say you realy caught me of guard there."

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Guest King of Games

ooc:I just joined the rp and didn't reda too far into it. if i make a mistake let me know.


Jack Golberg arrived at his new school. He could hear every conversation going on iside and in the grounds. he saw a large arena behind the school and saw something much larger than a bird fly from it. He walked straight through the door without bothering to open it and approched the front desk. He took his room key from the lady seated there with a small "thank-you". He didn't feel like taking the stairs. He decided jump through the ceiling to the floor above


"Whoops! Sorry." he answered quickly as he jumped through the bathroom ceiling. "Now, room 187, 88, ah! Here we are, room 189." he didn't need to use the key as he entered.


Jack had been in and out of many schools for "Troublemaking", the teachers called it. No, to Jack. it was more like embracing who he was. This school was a liitle different in that their were others here with ablilities. Taht didn't bother him. All He cared about was if the girls here as were good-looking as the ones from schools he had had to leave.


Jack laid down his bags and sword and fell forward on the bed.

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"Duh." said Refia, behind him. She used a dummy that looked like her made out of earth when Jayson was busy slicing away the tree roots. The light drill in the dummy's hand disappeared as the dummy crumbled. Refia collected the light from the spare drill and stored it into the one on her real hand. With the drill spinning faster and faster, she pushed it into Jayson's back. "How about now?" she asked.

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Zaar woke up again and slowly stood up, he started to conjure a small flame to heal himself, sadly this would take a long time, "Refia.. I hope he doesnt hurt you" he thought as he started to heal himself

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"almost!" that shadow copy disapeared. "you do recall when i dived into the shadows do you not? who says that was me that came up. in fact who says this is me now." another clone grabed her from behind, as another in front readied to strike with the shadow claws. "there's a simple way to draw me out, you just have to be bright enough. or not."

ooc: jayson sometimes talks in riddles, influence of his demon(you know shaymin)

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"Finally all healed" Zaar said as he heard Refia talk in a different voice, "I wonder whats going on" he muttered as he noticed something, his sword was still pulsing, "What is going on with you" he asked his blade

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