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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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Kilandromas used was surprised. "Intensity of Blood!"


Kilandromas was feeling strange... He wasn't going to tansform into the second... But the third? Although he would have to go to the second form first.



Intensity of Blood:

Type: Reap

Effect: Target's blood feels 1000x heavier. Target's movement speed and strength is slowed down. Opponent's blood quickens in deep wounds.

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The blood transfered into the flames, soon a strange armor made out of earth came over the flames and fused together with them, soon claws made out of Zaar's sword appeared.

A different voice came out, "So who wants to die"


ooc: guess where i got this idea from

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OOC Death Note?


IC: Kilandromas had didn't worry, for he had Divine Shield on, which would last a while... He knew that nobody could block direct damage. "Conjure Flame!"


Conjure Flame:

Type: Elemental Attack

Effect: Conjures any nearby flame, charges it's and blasts it at any target.

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OOC: Bleach, Ichigo before he can control the inner hollow, dont worry even if its like invincible, zaar will almost die after it runs out because of blood loss


The attack didnt seem to effect the monster that zaar has become, "So I guess its you" he said as he slowly walked foward

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Ooc: And I'm still waiting for a response from Kaze. I guess he's headed to bed for the night. Oh and about the CPU error thing. I haven't gotten it either! Sorry for the cursing but Holy crap! Maybe they finally solved the problem. Maybe if everyone just ignores it and thinks of it as natural, it will stay like this. Best not to jinx it. :D And as for me, I'm gonna head to bed. Good night all. :)

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Kaze was amazed at what he saw. Creating two currents of wind to steal your opponent's weapon. With the shape of the wind being 2 crossing rings, the currents could move the weapon anywhere around the user. This was it, the perfect anti-weapon technique for him.

The sounds of Zaar and Kilan fighting could be heard from inside. It didn't matter who won, he knew the ultimate weakness to both their powers.

"Thanks for the help, Josh. If there is anything you ever need help with, just let me know. By the way, does this technique have a name?"

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ooc: no its wierd


A Chunk of Earth rised up and blocked the shot' date=' "You need to try harder then that" the creature said as it almost came up to Kilandromas



OOC: If you are in a battle and you are a page away from the last move, you must quote the last battle move so people understand.


IC: Kilandromas was pushed to the limits. He would try harder. He was about to transform into his second form and he couldn't talk while he did. It was a split second that he did it. "Complete Power Drain!"


OOC: Kilandromas in second form: [attachment=8946]


Complete Power Drain:

Type: Reap

Effect: Drains all power from your opponent for 1 round. This effect may not be negated. This can only be acxtivated when you are in any 2nd form.


Yes, Kaze, you can watch from the roof because the arena is outside.

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