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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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"Well, the nurse said that when I tried to bend my light magic into a shape, it went crazy. It threw me against the wall, knocking me out. The teacher trapped the remaining light when I was sent to the infurmary. (sp?) I knew that I couldn't make it into a shape, but it never reacted like that before." she told Zaar.

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"sorry about the noise Refia' date=' I was fighting someone for combat training class, anyways what happened" Zaar asked



OOC: Actually no... that wouldn't work... Look at my post. You delete your's or I'll delete mine.


The tournament will start today. My chracter isnt in second mode anymore and is already at the outdoor stadium, waiting for an opponent. He's with the judges.

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"Hrm let me try with my earth magic, Be right Back" zaar said as he rushed to the roof grabbed a piece of the broken meteorite and came back, "Now lets see" he muttered as the meteorite started to shift and bend, soon it resembled a tiny heart, "*pant* here *pant* you go" he said as he gave it to refia

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ooc: ok. sorry i have school then soccer. can't be on the comp. all the time.


he saw zaar leave. " what done already? oh well that was fun any way." heads into shadow but turns around to see zaar come back and form a heart out of a peice of meteor. " well isn't that some thing. looks like he realy cares about something." he thinks back to that night. the night when he lost control and he took over, the night when he lost every thing, then night when he lost ember. "hey it seems the tornament is starting." travels through the shadows with images of ember his one and only love and of the tornment to come racing through his head.

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Josh continued to sit in his room exercising like always until his next class started. He may have missed his first class, but he wasn't about to miss his second. He waits in his room, but still is concerned about Kaze and his condition. He stops exercising and lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling of his room.

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Ooc: Not me. I'd rather not enter the tournament. Very rough, it is. And plus, I haven't got a battle plan.


BiC: Josh pulls out of his pocket a picture of his little sister from when he last saw her. The two of them were on a beach, making a V with there fingers towards the camera. *Those were the days,* he thought to himself. *I hope she's doing okay. it's been a while since I last saw her. Just hang on a little longer. As soon as I learn more about THEM, I will be back. Count on it.* He puts the picture away and then goes back to his Push-ups.

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