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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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"You'll be waiting there a long time," he said as Zaaer ran by. Fighting was too troublesome. If there was going to be a tourney, that would be the place to unvail his new moves. The usual tornado picked up around Kaze, hiding him from view and making a mess of the hall ways. The mini storm zipped around the corner and disapeared in seach of Joshua.

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"Yes, Ill let you have the first move" he said as he unsheathed his sword, but something was up with it, it was pulsing in a weird way, almost as his speed was effecting it

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"Simple magic trouble, happened way too much in my life time." said the nurse. A green light outlined Refia as it closed around her and targeted where she was hit. With in a few minutes, Refia woke up. The nurse explained to her what had happened. "You'll be able to go to your next class." she said. Refia nodded, rubbing her head, and walked out, and went to History of the Gifted.

OoC: gtg, bye. Going to bed.

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Zaar disappeared from the hands grip and sliced his opponent with his sword, rushing through him with great speed, "Next time make it harder to get out of" he said as he disappeared again

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ooc: look at one of his post's it adresess me


as the sword sliced off his arm, the ar fell to the ground and melted ito the shadows and a new one took it's place "oh did i forget to mention that half of my body is pure shadow. let's see you try and dodge, if you can't move." takes out shadow claw septer, "shadow binding!" zaar's shadow froze along with him. "this technique is useful but comes at a price, the longer you stay frozen the smaller my shadow and my energy becomes. dodge this! shadow blade strike!"

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Smerte hoped he didn't come off to Kaze as arrogant. That kid he terrorized was an arrogant bully himself, he just taught him a lesson. Smerte headed off to class. No Refia. He did hear that she was hurt. He worried.


OOC: IF anyone else wants to take an healing class, can I be a teacher?

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"Dont have to, look above you" he said as a giant meteor crashed down, "good bye, o and guess why i wanted to fight up here, this morning i heard a meteor was in orbit and since a meteor is earth."

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Smerte hoped he didn't come off to Kaze as arrogant. That kid he terrorized was an arrogant bully himself' date=' he just taught him a lesson. Smerte headed off to class. No Refia. He did hear that she was hurt. He worried.


OOC: IF anyone else wants to take an healing class, can I be a teacher?



Kilandromas heard that and was confused.


OOC: The following message in quotes of this post is my character thinking.


"Did he think that I actually hurt him? I robably did, but, it was a battle. Not to mention I wasn't in my original form, I even healed him... His powers are pretty good, though."


Kilandromas looked out the window and saw a meteor.


"I have nothing to say... Although I could easily stop the meteor, I'm worried about the school. First, a tornado? Then, a meteor?"


He used his powers to try to stop it, he was actually quite worried, so he forgot about his power cap... If he had reached his power limit, he would transform into his second form, who is 10 times deadlier than 1000 Kilanian tigers!


He actually stopped it, with his much power, but then gravity appeared., flaming it up again... He realized he had to use his powers... He knew he had to do it, he had to transform to save his school. He used his all his most powerful moves and transformed... Who knew how powerful he was now, in the middle of the school. For the first few seconds of his second form, he could think without being possessed. He thought, "I'm going to transform into my final form in the tournament! I'm sure to win if I do that!"


OOC: Here is the picture for my guy's second form, except he doesn't have his hood on, he looks pretty much the same, except with a blackish red scar on his cheek to his eye. Here: [attachment=8843]

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"Well I got things to do" Zaar muttered as he send his opponent flying by hitting him with the meteor. "Well this was boring" he said as he disappeared, he reappeared behind Refia and Kaze, "So whats going on" he asked

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ooc: sorry. didn't mean to swear but come on,a meteor!


what? are you insane! that could wipe out the entire school! i have no choice, (pulls out septure) sacred summoning, black shadow dragon! ( a gaint dragon made of shadow, appeared from where the septure met ground, emerging shenron style.) now raise, second dragon, salvestos! destroy that meteor! (the dragon curled itself around the meteor and squesd until the rock broke apart it to small pebbles, sending them showering down like heated drops of rain no bigger then a babys fist.) it took alittle out of both of us, seeing as bringing a gaint meteor thousands of miles away crashing down to eath and still controling it, is just as tiring as summoning a gaint shadow dragon to the field. but i do still have salvestos while you only have a couple pieces of stone.


ooc: if you want to know what salvestos looks like thimk of a black shadowy shenron from dbz.

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