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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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HI! And welcome to the first ever Gifted Boarding School Roleplay on YCM!(I think)

You may ask, What is a Gifted Boarding School Roleplay, or what does gifted mean? Well, this will answer that: Gifted means that you have a power(s) example character:

Name: Bob

Power(s): Levetation,Mind reading.



Simple, right? Well, it's like that, except it's at a boarding school. Yes, a boarding school because either their parents/ guardian abandoned them there,they're there to control their powers, or another reason either ways, they're there.



1.Must be semi-literate and up( use correct punctuation, spell MOST of your words correctly, correct grammar)


2.NO CHATSPEAK IN THIS ROLEPLAY! unless you use the next rule


3.Use your own form of ooc EX: (()) -- :: ^^ or ooc. ooc means out of character, you can use chatspeak while in ooc. Use it when you need to tell a user something.


4. Keep it pg-13 we don't want too much blood-shed or icky romance. Come on, that's just gross for a few people.


5. No cussing, god-moding,or power playing


6.Ask to join.


7. I can add more rules if needed


8. If you want your character to be another character's friend, please ask the person who owns the character :D







Eye Color:

Clothes; (clothes can just be shown in a picture, don't have to describe it)

Powers: (can only have up to 3)

Weapon: (optional)


Picture: (anime picture prefered)








Please pm me you character's form so there won't be that much clutter on here ^^ I will put them here


Shaymin's Characters


Name: Refia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Eyes, clothes, Hair, other: in picture

Powers: Light, Earth

Weapon: Sword

Personality: protective, brave, smart, kind

Picture: future_angel.jpg

Note: Refia doesn't usually have that on her wings or feet, and the sword is somewhere else. I'll say when she has them out, so don't worry ^^



(sorry for the big pic)

Name: Harley

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Hair,Eyes,Clothes: in picture

Powers: can talk to animals, water

Personality: sometimes shy, has an attitude, kind

Pet: White wolf named Snow

Pet gender: male

Fur: snow white

Pet Powers: healing,can talk to humans through his mind


Chaos_Remix's Character


Name: Zaar

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Hair: Blond

Eye Color: Blue

Clothes: Look below

Powers: Superspeed, Fire Magic, Earth Magic

Weapon: sword *not always out*

Personality: Calm

Picture: blondejapanese1.jpg


Megayanma's Character


Name: Dario Bossi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hair: (pic)

Eye Color: (pic)

Clothes; (pic)

Powers: Fire

Weapon: N/A

Personality: Calm, Lazy, Sort of rude, but when angered is Fierce and protective

Picture: l_de4b4df3874f4479fd1518d4d3b2ad84.png


Serrenox's Character

Name: Kilandromas Vincent Violentos

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark brown eyes, always wearing seemingly casual clothes, which are actually extremely enhanced.

Powers: Elemental, necromancy, monk-like powers

Weapon: Hands

Personality: Logical, brave


Frogger's Charrie


Name: Smerte Oghelse (In Norwegian, Pain and Health)



Hair: Picture

Eye Color: Brown

Clothes; Picture

Powers: Inflict pain and disease, heal wounds of self and others

Weapon: Hooksword

Personality: Cold, funny, quiet

Picture: (anime picture prefered)



meta-wandererer's Charrie


Name: Joshua Trace

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Reddish-Brown

Clothes: Blue T-Shirt, Texture Canvas Jacket, Tan Jeans, Steel Toe Boots

Powers: Enhanced Strength, High Speed, and can wield the powers of wind.

Weapon: Bo-Staff (Like Kilik's Kali-Yuga)

Personality: Carefree, not always taking everything seriously, but loyal to his friends.

Picture: 026015.png


Umbra's Charrie


Name: Puppet

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hair: Long, yellow

Eye Color: Blue

Clothes: Standard brown boots and trousers. Wears a pastelcolored shirt.

Powers: Manipulation of Non-living creatures. (A.k.a. Necromancy)

Weapon: None.

Personality: Puppet is a very lonely person, and likes just hanging around by himself. Since everyone else doesn't seem to understand Puppet, they always try to be "nice" to him by being with him, which he dislikes a lot. He went to the Gifted Boarding School to get away from the normal life and be here, with other people that have gifts similar to his.

Picture: f75997.png


doom pheonix's charrie


Name: jason stone



Hair: grey

Eye Color: grey

Clothes; Picture

Powers: control over all shadows. can summon shadow creatures like the pic dragon or a shadow pheonix

Weapon: blade of the forbiden shadow(more like a club. made of shadow can morph into any weapon minus there powers.) and shadow claw septer( a septer with a claw at the top holding a jewel. used for summoning)

Personality: smart but lazy. always looks and talks like he'd rather be sleeping then any thing else

Picture: (avatar)


note: the necklass he wears is the shining star pendant which gives his shadows more power


King of Game's Charrie.


name: Jack Golberg


Age 15

Gender: male

Powers: Phasing(pass though solid objects), invisiblility, heightened hearing

Weapon: Slim sword

Personality: Likes cracking jokes and gets into trouble sometimes, but is good hearted and doesn't compromise his morals.


King of All's charrie.


Name: Dylan Jason

Age: 14



Powers: super speed, time control, shape shifting,

Personality: Dark and brave


jman650's Charrie


Name: Maxwell Hishiro

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair: Red

Eye Color: Blue

Clothes; A tee shirt and jeans

Powers: Power to stretch himself, Inhuman mobility and balance, and increased strength when using the first power to attack.

Weapon: Himself

Personality: Friendly, Funny, sarcastic, calm

Picture: AnimeBoy51.jpg

Note: He has a split personality due to a mental illness, so he starts hurting people and being evil when it gets dark. But most of the time he gets to sleep before that.


greyshadow0's charries


Name: Shade Gray

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Hair: Black

Eye Color: Silver

Clothes: In Picture

Powers: Neutralize peoples powers while near them

Weapon: Nothing

Personality: Quite, Slightly shy, calm

Picture: (Does not have the wolf and present) 01_12_08valentine.jpg


Name: Adrian Gray (my charries older bro)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hair: Silver

Eye Color: Blue

Clothes: In picture

Powers: Use others powers

Weapon: None

Personality: Confident, Brave, Protects his brother

Picture: cturescute.jpg


Helpers: These are to help me control the roleplay so I won't be by myself on this, and if I'm gone, they control it until I'm back. Pm me to apply for a position. There can only be 3.


Co-RP leader 1-Chaos_Remix

Co-Rp leader 2-Serrenox


**please, introduce your character before he/she meets someone. Like describe one in a paragraph or something


I'll Star the rp when a few people join. ready, set, GO! 8)

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I'll sign up. Is it okay if I help as well?


Character Form:

Name: Kilandromas Vincent Violentos

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark brown eyes, always wearing seemingly casual clothes, which are actually extremely enhanced.

Powers: Elemental, necromancy, monk-like powers

Weapon: Hands

Personality: Logical, brave

Picture: None, see appearance

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I just realised that we NEED evil charries D= if no one else joins, we'll have to double, and I didn't want to resort to doubling. I'll edit this post when I'm finish with my intro ^^


EDIT: A girl with angel wings walked up to the schools gates with her luggage, and sighed. "Fifth boarding school this year. Wonder how long I'll stay." she said quietly to herself. Her name was Refia and she was 16. She was exspelled (sp?) from her last four schools because she acted out. Then again, those schools didn't have good security. Anyway,she didn't have a good childhood. Her parents abandoned her when she was a baby and two people picked her up and put her in an orphanage. She never liked it there and that may be why she's the way she is today. She looked down the long path to the school, and started to walk down it.

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A red haired boy with fairly modern clothing stepped out of a bus onto the sidewalk. The bus had been empty, but not suprisingly. He had always been considered a freak, at least by normal standards. He had been able to manipulate flames ever since he was an infant, and ironically, his parents had died in a gas fire when he was 5. The bus drove off, and Dario found himself in front of a large, old-looking school. He pulled out a pack of gum, stuck a stick in his mouth, and walked in the huge double-doors.


((OOC: That good?))

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A Blond hair teenager walked to the front of a old looking building, He has always been alone, ever since his parents died he has lived in the desert. Or at least before today that is, today was different, today he was told of this school, a actual place where this boy, Zaar can stay. As long as he could remember, when Zaar was around a mountain or a fire source it has acted weird.



"I hope this place will be like I heard it would be" he muttered

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Refia walked up to the front desk to get her dorm key. "Your name?" asked the person at the desk. "Refia." said Refia, looking down. "Refia, Refia, Refia." said the person quietly. "Here you go." she said, handing her an i.d card. "3rd floor, Dorm number 188." said the person, waiting for the next student. Refia walked up the stairs, and stopped as she saw two boys. She stared at them. She knew it wasn't good to stare but she forgot about it.

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Refia sighed and walked up the three flights of stairs. She slid the card through the slot on her dorm door and walked in. It was white, with a bed, a bathroom, and and mini t.v. "Not bad, I guess." she said to herself as the door closed behind her. She put her bags on the bed and looked around. "What should I put on the wall?" she asked heself, making a square with her hands and put them infront of a wall.

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