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Could somebody tell me what a theme is? Coz I got a great difficulty when making my deck. I wanna make it look good so please help me. I play yugioh but I'm just a newbie. There are things I haven't understood yet. Like the Deck Speed and the Forbidden/Limited Card Rule. When I use the Traditional format, does the Limited Cards limit only to one copy of each in your deck? If so I made this new deck. Please help me make it better. Give me some tips to make a winning deck like you Experts have. Please! Just comment me what's wrong with this so that I'll improve. Like what they say, so that I'll grow up. lol



Man Eater Bug


Penguin Soldier

Medusa Worm

Chaos Sorcerer

Summoned Skull x 2

Red Eyes Black Dragon

Luster Dragon x 2

Vorse Raider x 2

Giant Orc

Goblin Elite Attack Force

Skilled White Magician

Charcoal Inpachi x 2

D.Hero Defend Guy x 2

D.Hero Diamond Dude

Black Skull Dragon Fusion



Shield and Sword x 2


Monster Reincarnation

Fusion Recovery

Swords of Revealing Light


Hammer Shot

Graceful Charity

Spell Absorption

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Tribute to the Doomed

Book of Moon

Mystical Space Typhoon

Pot of Greed

Soul Release

Mist Body


Monster Reborn

Card Destruction



Tarp Hole

Draining Shield

Torrential Tribute

Kick Back

Pole Position

A Hero Emerges

Magic Cylinder

Mirror Force


Trap Jammer x 2

D.D Dynamite

Sakuretsu Armor


Please teach me how to correct the wrong in here. Thanks!

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this deck reminds me of my random deck (now with tuners).

except i have'nt heard some of these cards before.

and i see some forbidden cards in that deck aswell.

ur deck monsters look like there mostly attackers and you have some good effect monster cards.

Giant Orc & Goblin Elite Attack Force i dont really like there effects because they go into defence after you use them to attack.

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oh but this deck is following the traditional format rule so that means there are no forbidden here. About the Giant Orc and Goblin Elite Attack Force, that's why I have Shield and Sword spell card to make things upside down. But even though it turns to defense position it still helps me cover up my life points. And what cards here you haven't heard before? LOL

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have'nt or cant remember

Kick Back, hammer shot and Spell Absorption

i've been out of yu gi oh for a while so yea, and shield and sword only last one turn soo when ur Giant Orc and Goblin Elite Attack Force go in to defence and you play it, then end ur turn, that's one turn. it wont effect ur oppenent's turn so there defence will go back to 0.

sorry about the forbidden cards thing i was thinking about the advanced format. rofl.

my deck is built around the advanced format.

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xXxTreme001, a certain someone I'm talking to over PMs got me into a really good and happy mood, so, I'm going around helping peoples. What is your favorite way to play? Like, favorite strategy in a duel? Brute strength, swarming, weak things with effects, lots of spell and/or trap cards, etc; Just name a way that you like to play or want to play and I'll help you make a deck. And, PM me if you aren't clear on some of the rules.

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A theme is something you can focus on while building your deck. It can be a monster type (ex spellcasters) or a category (gravekeepers). You can also focus on element of the game like direct damage, synchro summon, traps...


Limited = 1

semi-limited = 2

banned = 0


You should try to make your deck as close to 40 cards as possible. This will ensure you get your most powerful cards more often.


Here's something failry cheap anybody starting in yugioh can build. It's not a top tier deck but it's enough to be competitive.


Monsters : 18

1 chaos sorcerer

3 elemental hero alius

1 elemental hero stratos

1 breaker the magical warrior

1 elemental hero wildheart

1 d.d. warrior lady

1 snipe hunter

2 mystic tomato

1 sangan

1 morphing jar

1 spirit reaper

1 marshmallon

2 ryko, lightsworn hunter

1 treeborn frog


Spells : 14

1 fissure

1 smashing ground

1 swords of revealing light

1 nobleman of crossout

1 monster reborn

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 mystical space typhoon

1 reinforcement of the army

1 enemy controller

2 book of moon

2 shrink


Traps: 08

1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 magic cylinder

1 trap dustshoot

2 sakuretsu armor

2 bottomless trap hole

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have'nt or cant remember

Kick Back' date=' hammer shot and Spell Absorption

i've been out of yu gi oh for a while so yea, and shield and sword only last one turn soo when ur Giant Orc and Goblin Elite Attack Force go in to defence and you play it, then end ur turn, that's one turn. it wont effect ur opponent's turn so there defence will go back to 0.

sorry about the forbidden cards thing i was thinking about the advanced format. rofl.

my deck is built around the advanced format.



Truth is I'm planning to use shield and sword spell when I have a defense positioned monster on my field then I have a chance to direct attack. So that means the monsters i have with the DEF power over 2000 becomes an offensive monster good for burning opponents LP. With a good card combo like I special summoned Chaos Sorcerer on the field then supported by Trap Jammers set on the field. Then Ill play a safe direct attack. Say goodbye to 5000 LP or more if possible. LOL


Umm the trap Kick Back's effect is when a monster is summoned, special summoned or flip summoned. That monster will go back to its owners hand. So it works good when the opponent tribute summons a Strong Monster then Ill activate it. The cards he used as tribute will be useless and still will end up in the Grave. LOL


Hammer shot destroys the monster with the highest attack on the field.

That means including yours if it has the highest attack. It works well when you want to turn the table then you have a monster to protect.


Spell Absorption's effect is everytime you or your opponent activates a spell card. You gain 500 LP. Pretty sweet huh!

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xXxTreme001' date=' a certain someone I'm talking to over PMs got me into a really good and happy mood, so, I'm going around helping peoples. What is your favorite way to play? Like, favorite strategy in a duel? Brute strength, swarming, weak things with effects, lots of spell and/or trap cards, etc; Just name a way that you like to play or want to play and I'll help you make a deck. And, PM me if you aren't clear on some of the rules.



Umm I'd like to make a deck which clears the opponents field easily then burns his/her LP like paper. And I want so many Special Summons so that I wouldn't waste monsters for tribute. And I want a deck which could have a normal deck speed and i could achieve that goal within 15 turns maybe?! And also a deck which never run out of combos to achieve that goal but a deck that contains 40-50 cards only.LOL


please help me how?

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why do you need to clear their field if youre just going to burn them?


dear god.

thats like...

dear santa... i want this' date=' that, and world f***ing peace.



That's because when I don't have a chance to Direct Attack not using monster effects

Ill use the burning but when the cards are already good for a safe direct attack Ill do it with my monsters. Just wanna make his/her LP damaged every turn so that the duel will end fast. LOL

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Don't go for clearing the field AND burning in the same deck. They'll just get in the way of eachother.


oh okay thanks so what should i choose. I know the field clearing deck. lol but about the burning what should i do to make it?

Don't go for clearing the field AND burning in the same deck. They'll just get in the way of eachother.


mind if i ask whats the use of this Warning level here in my profeee did i do something wrong????

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