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My Card Game

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This may not belong here but I shall post it anyway as it contains pictures drawn by me on paint.


These are a few things I've been making on Microsoft Paint. Please give your views on my card game because if I make any more cards, I would like to have something to improve apon. Bear in mind that everything on the card was done in paint but some of the backgrounds were inhanced with photoshop, these cards are quite basic at the moment and I do wish to improve them in the future. Please do mention any of my card art you think is good or cool, an opinion can really help sometimes. I don't have a proper set of rules yet to show you but if you read the cards they should shed some light on them. These aren't all the cards, just some I think were worth posting.






























These next few are templates I drew separately to build the cards up from.














Ok aim of the game, get your troops to the enemy base, destroying any enemy forces in the way, and of course keep your opponent away from your base.You have 3 decks, the command deck, (the cards in it are the equivalent of spells and traps) the recruit deck (the cards in it are the equivalent to a monster) and there is the HQ deck (in the HQ deck you will find all of your possible bases or headquarters. At the start of your turn, you take the top card of your HQ deck and play it one space in front of your recruit deck (it is placed behind the 3rd space in of the battlefield which is 5 spaces wide and 4 spaces long. Up to the 2nd space on the length of the battlefield on your side is your territorry, the other 2 spaced long part is your opponent's territory.) Read what the HQ card says, and do so, place your card from the recruit deck one space in front of your HQ. After that, pickup a card from your command deck and add it to your hand, you draw from your command deck during the start of each of your turns, however you do not pickup from the HQ or Recruit deck unless you have played a card that lets you do so. Each of your troops can move one space per turn, it can move diagonally but not onto the same space as an enemy card. If a card moves onto the same space as another card, it attacks it, dealing its damage to the enemy card's health. If the card runs out of health, it is put out of play, while your card is on the same space as another card, it can't move until the card is put out of play, then the card may move if it hasn't already. You must get your troop(s) to the same space as the enemy base and reduce its health to 0, then you may win the game. If you run out of cards ina any of your decks, you don't lose, but you must make do with the cards you have. The plus and minus symbols on the cards are just for card effects and stuff, the same with a troop's speed. One last thing, each deck has a general, you are only allowed one general per deck. Generals go in the recruit deck and are played like standard troops but generals tend to have better stats and good abilities.

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