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Otaclub! The Otaku Club of YCM!


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He can go online without using the actual computer monitor, he can still use a tv. Besides, if he's the little brother, just kick him off. He shouldn't be playing M games anyways. (unless he's actually at least 18, that means you're older than that, and what are you doing here at that age?! jk)


"another go" implies it happened once before. What was it about? (it being the RP)

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He can go online without using the actual computer monitor, he can still use a tv. Besides, if he's the little brother, just kick him off. He shouldn't be playing M games anyways. (unless he's actually at least 18, that means you're older than that, and what are you doing here at that age?! jk)


"another go" implies it happened once before. What was it about?



Oh yes, since it's a smart idea to tell a guy who nearly choked you to death to get the f*** off.

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The RP was something I made for the club, the plot being a bunch of otaku being tossed into the world of a super action shonen, but it didn't take off because the people could figure out how to get out of the washroom...Quite dissappointing really. The problem is that not all the members are really good RPers, so a club RP is a little unfair for those few.


Still haven't gotten around to the card contest either...Too much work in school.

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Hey guys, I'M BACK!


I can finally spend moar time on YCM!


My cousin and my lil bro moved the PS3 downstairs, thus leaving the computer to myself.


Anyhow, for news:




Who the hell would pay for a Neon Genesis wetsuit?

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That wetsuit appeals to the female otaku who also happen to be scuba divers. A very niche market, but no worries, it will sell...


As for the club not dying, what we need is more members joining. This club has gone stale in terms of new topics and ideas coming in, and for that we need fresh blood around here. I've tried advertising on the Intro forum, anyone else want to give it a shot?

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I would buy that if there is one for males (normal sized men, not japanese average men)...


That's a really great AMV! It's not my kind of music but the anime looks cool and it fits very well with it...

What anime is that? There's a girl that looks like a more mature version of Lain, mainly the eyes.


This is the AMV that influenced me the most, mainly because it was the first one I ever watched, a year before youtube even existed... Anyways, I'm fan of this anime and the song is good too...


I would buy that if there is one for males (normal sized men, not japanese average men)...


That's a really great AMV! It's not my kind of music but the anime looks cool and it fits very well with it...

What anime is that? There's a girl that looks like a more mature version of Lain, mainly the eyes.


This is the AMV that influenced me the most, mainly because it was the first one I ever watched, a year before youtube even existed... Anyways, I'm fan of this anime and the song is good too...

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I'll tell ya what - I have no doubt that this club can be successful just with the normal members who come in here.


BUT WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN IS THAT YOU ALL NEED TO POST. Contribute to every single topic, and if you can't, then start a new topic. Let's get rid of the complaints about this place dying, and do what the club needs - actually keep active on anime and manga news, plus discuss all there is to discuss.


But lol, it's not like I'm helping much with my "drop in - vanish" technique on the clubs section.


But I'll go back to posting in this club. Again.


I'mma start by talking about something I'm obsessed about lately. This wonderful, wonderful song right here;



I'm doing a Kaito cosplay based off of it soon.

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I would join this club, but I'm hesitant, because of this...

(required / no mainstream anime allowed here like Naruto or Bleach):


Not that I don't watch anime that aren't Naruto or Bleach, I just don't really like people who hate on mainstream anime purely because of it being mainstream.

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I would join this club, but I'm hesitant, because of this...

(required / no mainstream anime allowed here like Naruto or Bleach):


Not that I don't watch anime that aren't Naruto or Bleach, I just don't really like people who hate on mainstream anime purely because of it being mainstream.


To bad Naruto and Bleach suck.

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