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Zac may LOOK like Kira, to an extent, but he's happy, and CAREFREE!


Kira is NOT happy and carefree!




Marisa-sama is NOT an auction, and whoever treats her as such shall die D:<


My favorite anime character that plays an instrument is Amiboshi, from Fushigi Yugi.


Also, I heard those news for a WHILE. Well, the DN one, at least.

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17 again...Didn't see it. And, guys, honestly, I think the reason you don't like Effron, is the same reason people don't like Taylor Swift. They're either the same age as, or younger than, said person, yet they've already become successful. I've seen High School Musical, and it was decent. Not great, but still. It wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be. Same with Twilight.


And, uh, Link, he's an actor. He acts happy when he plays a happy character. I'm sure he could pull off suspenseful or however you envision that bastard Kira if he's playing that kind of character.

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The Death Note with Zac Effron is really old news. I've gotten over it, since they already made English voice overs for the Japanese live action Death Note movies, which will always be superior.


I also hear that Miley Cyrus might take the place as Misa.


But anyways, when it comes to Bleach... how in the world are they gonna do that? I sometimes really wished that they would find reasonable cosplayers to play the roles since some cosplayers are so amazing in character positions. I don't want them to ruin Ulqui for me T~T


Also, who here wants to see an American Higurashi live action? =D

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