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The most drastic you would get when life is on the line...


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To what lengths would you go to:

1)Keep yourself alive...

2)Keep a stranger alive...

3)Keep a celebrity alive...

4)Keep a friend/relative alive...

5)Keep a person you hate alive...


each one can either be taken as medical or violent...so yeah be humane...oh wait this is ycm...the very same that says "we kill puppies" when you join...but still to what lengths would you go...

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To what lengths would you go to:

1)Keep yourself alive...

2)Keep a stranger alive...

3)Keep a celebrity alive...

4)Keep a friend/relative alive...

5)Keep a person you hate alive...


each one can either be taken as medical or violent...so yeah be humane...oh wait this is ycm...the very same that says "we kill puppies" when you join...but still to what lengths would you go...


All lives are valued the same, I'd help anyone if their life was on the line.

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To what lengths would you go to:

1)Keep yourself alive...

2)Keep a stranger alive...

3)Keep a celebrity alive...

4)Keep a friend/relative alive...

5)Keep a person you hate alive...


each one can either be taken as medical or violent...so yeah be humane...oh wait this is ycm...the very same that says "we kill puppies" when you join...but still to what lengths would you go...


1) As far as I could.

2) In most cases, anything, as long as I'm not sacrificing my health or getting jailtime out of it.

3) Depends. In most cases, nothing. In few cases, refer to 2).

4) Refer to 2), but I would sacrifice my health here, I just wouldn't die.

5) Nothing.

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Some people say that they would risk their lives for others, yet its all lies if it really happened...

The truth about humans is that most people do not put themselves against the brink of death for people we dont know..

But for family and friends..

For the people we love...

The truth appears.

And people live.

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Some people say that they would risk their lives for others' date=' yet its all lies if it really happened...

The truth about humans is that most people do not put themselves against the brink of death for people we dont know..

But for family and friends..

For the people we love...

The truth appears.

And people live.



I used to have the same views but I think that might just be stereotyping there are good people but the bad outweigh the good as the economic deppression bears down upon them...heck I wouldn't even be able to save myself...none of us can really save ourselves...hurm...you know what I think we all need to lie to ourselves...otherwise we would all go insane...

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1) Depends on my options. Everything I could unless it would make my life afterward worse than it is.

2) Anything that doesn't have negative side effects for me.

3) Depends on the celebrity, however it will never be more than number 2.

4) Depends on the person, but it will still be more than number 2.

5) I'd watch and laugh.

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1) Do something inappropriateDepend on saving throws. *shudder*

2) MAH KILL. NO XP FOR YOU. Everything.

3) Depends how influential said celebrity is. emo-emo-imhappyplz.gif

4) See above answer and see above smiley.



For a serious answer, I would do all I could to save all of those people. Especially in Number 5 where I can laugh at the person I hate that he owes me his life.

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1)It depends on how I am to die/be killed.

2)F**k that.

3)Celebrities don't deserve to live.

4)I don't know. I'd do something I knew I could do. Not something unrealistic.

5)Hell, If I hate the person, I might as well be killing them myself.

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1)Keep yourself alive... Sacrifice some one i don't know.

2)Keep a stranger alive... injure myself or some other stranger.

3)Keep a celebrity alive... Depends on who.

4)Keep a friend/relative alive... Sacrifice some one i don;t know

5)Keep a person you hate alive... Kill a tiny worm.


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1)Keep yourself alive... - Anything, as long as it didn't put my friends / family at risk.

2)Keep a stranger alive... - Depends.

3)Keep a celebrity alive... - If I could do anything, I would, but not if it put anyone at risk.

4)Keep a friend/relative alive... - See #1.

5)Keep a person you hate alive... - I would laugh as they lay dying.

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