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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.


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Whats your favourite gun to use? I'd have to say.. hmm.. Either my M21 with Digital Camoflauge or my AK-47 with a Red Dot sight and Desert Camoflauge.


I've actually found a completely favourite level. I think its better than any of them.


Wet Work - Easy Sniper Kills, Easy Grenade Kills, Easy Pistol Kills, Easy Assault Rifle Kills and Easy Sub Machine/Light Machine Kills. And there's also good camping spots. ^_^

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how did that all turn out for you?




Ok' date=' this is my best class.


[b']Name:[/b] Ghost.

Primary Weapon: MP5 w/ Silencer & Blue Tiger camoflauge.

Secondary Weapon: M1911.45 w/ silencer.

Special Grenade: Flash.


Perk 1: 3x Special Grenade.

Perk 2: UAV Jammer.

Perk 3: Matyrdom.


My Playstyle: I stay away from team members and find alternate routes to enemies. I sometimes go close range and sometimes go long range. Although the Silencer decreases range, the range on the MP5 is still very good.


TADA! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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I still go with single player more due to crap net connection? Which did you think was the hardest level?


For me' date=' it was that assasination level when you play as Captain Price



Yes, that was very hard.


You have to admit, that level was Epic (IMO, at least).

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That was among my most hated levels because I suck in stealth tactics.


I tend to go in guns blazing all the time. If there's simply too many enemies' date=' I simply turn to hit and run



lol that was my favourite. The dogs were kewl XD


I like stealth, I like guns blazing, i like sniping, i like everything

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