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for those of you like to make an LOLLPS deck.

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What does the scouter say about how many Lifepoints you need to activate this?



*gets shot*


If your Life Points are 9000 or higher' date=' activate by paying 2000 Life Points. Draw 2 cards.[/quote'][/align]

Its another Pot of Greed-esque card, And it has the same wings as Ancient Fairy Dragon.


Honestly, I can only really see this card in some weird verson of a Psychic Deck(provided they use it? O,o)

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that ammount of Life can only be accomplished regularly at the beggining of the game.

unless they improve Life Point Decks alot, I only see this card as fun.

when there's enough stuff, I'll do the Pikeru Deck I've always wanted to do <3

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I think this card is actually related to Ancient Fairy Dragon. Think about it. AFD's effect recovers your LP when you destroy a field spell. Ancient Leaf spends that recovery for Draw power. See?


Still, only good in fun decks. Or if you have a Magical Android fetish.

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Well with my Psychic deck I reached something like 127' date='000 LP

I had 3 Magical Androids and 2 other psychics on the field and was up against an annoying stall deck, so was getting like 9k LP per turn XD


This card won't be used often.



I surpassed you 3 years ago with my Pikeru Deck xD when I somehow managed to Summon 3 Prinssess Pikerus and 2 White Magician Pikeru's in a fun duel and keep them for around 15+ turns with 2 Solemn Wishes (17,000 Life per turn x15 = 255,000 + 8000 inicial LP)

I did the most expensive Solemn Judgement payment ever during that Duel just before my brother used Heavy Storm and Lightning Vortex and started attaking me with 3 BEWD, 1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate, and 1 5GD directly each turn until I was down to like 2,000. (he lost by Deck out :lol: )

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Why won't they stop making replacements for PoG?

All they have to do is unban the friggin card' date=' and they'll never have to make cards like this again.



instead of getting a powerful +1 draw effect that everybody will want to use, outclassing all other effects like Allure, D-Draw, Trade-in, Rare Value, Pot of Avarice, etc..

its better to make more balanced draw power that will have different variations depending on what strategy is the card meant to work with. It gives more variety to the game, and last but not least, Konami receives profit from new stuff..

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