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[DISC] :: The Flexibility of Instant Fusion!!! ::

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I love this card.


[spoiler=[font=Times New Roman]Instant Fusion[/font]

Pay 1000 Life Points. Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon). It cannot attack, and is destroyed during the End Phase. Only 1 "Instant Fusion" can be activated per turn.]








You can offer to add more to this list.

1. Free 1 Monster Tribute!

-- The most obvious use for this is Monarchs.

-- Dragon-Type Instant Fusions such as Darkfire Dragon can help you fuel Tiger Dragon, and REDRUM!

-- Can anyone say Great Maju Garzett?

2. Synchro Materials

-- Can easily set up Synchros up to Level 8, but mostly level 5-6.

--- This allows easy Summoning of Chaos Sorceror in some cases.

3. CCV


Does anyone have more ideas? You can also discuss other aspects of this card here. *goes to make Hopeless Instant Fusion Dragon Deck*

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I used it for fun late in the Duel to call something like "The Fusionist"' date=' then return it to the Fusion Deck with "Dimension Explosion" and Special Summon 2 removed from play monsters. :)



Yes teh Fusionist. :]


not bad at all but forces u to Extra deck like 4 or 5 fusion monsters leaving u with only 10 synchro monsters.... but not a bad card at all


It's not like anyone uses THAT many useful Syncrhos.

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