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Wolf's Tutorial (Will be Completed in 4 Days!)

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Sence everyone wantes me to make a tut i have desided to make one. for dah fans yo. NOTE: this is only for photoshop so sorry if u have something diffrent.


Back up 1 step if u mess up = Ctrl+Z

Back up more than 1 step = Ctrl+Alt+Z


1. anyways first thing is first! Fined the images that u need!


i suggest u photobucket.com or Diavantart.com.


2. Cut the sucker out! first duplicate the layer or make the back ground layer unlocked. ull fined ur layers in the bottom right hand cornor. (watch what layer ur on always!)

u have 3 main tools to cut something out. those are ur Magic Wand, Magnitic lasso, and ur Polygraph lasso tools. do u just pick and choose to go with one of them or do u use a mix? NO! use only sertain tools at sertaint times!


Magic Wand - Great and extreamly fast, if the back ground is only 1 Color or the colors are close together on the color scale. The magic wand could select part of your image which unless u want it to this is bad. u can shange the Tolerance of the magic wand at anytime at the top left hand cornor. ull see it, it has Tolerance then a text box next to it. what changing the tolerance does is select colors that far apart on the color scale. 10 - 30 is are good numbers to stick to. if u want to select more with the Magic wand hold shift and click where u wanted.


Magnitic Lasso - Not as fast as the Magic Wand but in the middle. when ur cutting out a image with bold boarder lines the this is the one to choose. fallow the lines of the image as good as u can. if u miss a spot get it later with one of the other tools. turst me the M lasso is not good for clean up. if ur M lasso cuts something out u dont want to cut out well go back to start and click it (it will have a O next to the lasso when i at the begining of where u cut) then back up 1 and start all over. this one will give u THEE MOST HARDIST TIME EVER! advice do not use this tool on ppl with pointy hair or... anything thats small!


Polygragh Lasso - The slowist of all the tools to cut something out but it is ur best bet that u want screw up. (sence u can back up when using this one). this one u cant just go across the lined and it will work for u like the M. lasso no this one is a straight line then click straight line click. yes its long but its ur best bet.


when u got everthing u want make a new window. go up to file and hit new make it as big and long as u want. then go to your arrow tool and drag (click and hold) the newly cut image out and put it on the new blank window (let go) bam u good.


More to add tomorrow. i've got stuff to do.

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