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Pokemon Splices shop

Carbon V3

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In this shop you can buy fusion of 2 or more pokemon splices or Splices recolor.

Here are rules:


-Don't steal splices from my shop

-Don't spam, flam, etc.

-All YCM rules aplly

-This hop is Open 24 hours on day, 7 days in week



Here are examples of:

*Pokemon fusions:

[spoiler=Pokemon fusions]

Example 1:



Example 2:



Price:1 point for 2 pokemons fused

2 points for 3 pokemons fused

3 points for 4 of more pokemons fused


If you order 3 pokemon fusions you will get 1 for free


Form:Name of Pokemons to be fused

Recolor(Yes, No)


I will send your pokemon by PM sistem




Here are recolor Example:

[spoiler=Pokemon recolor]

Example 1 :



Example 2:



Here is price:1 points for every pokemon


If you order 3 you will get 1 for free


Form:Pokemon(s) you want recolor

Name of pokemon from you want I use color(Optinal)

Colors(Optinal(It is optial becouse I don't now will you tell me i use color from some other color))



Waiting list:







Need to pay list:






More things will come soon in my shop.

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Ummmm. Can I work here, I don't really know how to splice but I can make everything else but spirites. I can make banners, sigs, card recolors, darksynchros gold/ colored stickers, really sick inverts and clouded inverts(called difference clouding). Yeah ummmmm the sick things are in my sig. Besides this shop won't work well unless you have tons of items. Oh and Bigi recommended me to come here, I tried to work at his shop but NO. So can I work here.

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Other than that do u want to order a splice?

*Sigh*(I guess that means I can't work here)

Brightly says"Yeah sure I would like a mix of Rayquaza's body parts of Metacross and the wings of Giratina. Also I would like The Rayquaza to be Black before hand and the finished pokemon black and red. Sorry for being so bossy. I'll pay you 15 points(Crosses fingers and hopes your quick).(*Sigh*).


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The Pokemon Splices Shop is so cool......


But how did you pay and get cards from Carbon V3?


And how do you add your name to the Waiting List?

You don't

Carbon V3 isn't the only one who works here. I don't(GRRRRR JK).

He also doesn't do cards he does splices which are like mixed pokemon.

And he adds you to the waiting list when he is working on your splice.

Oh and please visit my shop. Just go to search and type in Scypher and my

shop is the one that isn't this one or the Cove's Olaf shop. Yeah

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Can I work here. I do splices. And btw SAVE AS .PNG. Hehe when you save as .PNG no random pixels come over teh splice and/or recolour. My examples will be here soon.


EDIT: Here they are.


[spoiler=PokéSplice & PokéRecolours. (Ohh and there's also 2 Digimon Recolours)]PokSplice.pnguntitled-8.png



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Buy the way your order will be sented to your e-mail becouse you don't have PM system.

I didn't know I didn't have a PM system. I'll fix it soon. Send it to my PM system when it's up please. Oh forget it, I got the splice, thanks a lot I 'll send the points soon. Oh sorry (!Death!Reborn!) as I lack points I'll get you your 15 points soon.

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You have send to me 30 points so I will send 15 points to Death Reborn now.


Oh, I'm really sorry I thought I gave them equally to each of you.

Oh and how much can you get for free, I would just like:


Scarmory, Giratina, and Entei.

And could it be red, black, and silver finished, thanks


Sorry but Carbon V3 check with Death Reborn I think I already gave him 15 points, In that case can I have my 15 points back, I gave you 45 total i think.:(

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