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My Freind is Making His Own Game | Sounds Cool


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Yeah, my friends making his own game; f*cking computer genius the guy is. He's taking an IT vocational course in the year above me but really he doesn't need to be there. He already knows everything that the tutors are teaching him, he just needs to be there to get the grades.


Anyway, yeah, he's making his own game. Basically it's going to be a Zombie game but you can catch glimpses of his humor in there.


The plentiful weapons in the game are going to be EPIC. All they are, are household items and stuff; like Rakes and Spades and there’s also but there’s also stuff like makeshift Flame-throwers and a Chain Saw.


There's around 20(?) different skins for the zombie in the game ranging from the slow bulky kind that pwn you if you let them touch you; there's really fast, pain in the @$$ ones like in "I am Legend" but there's also lol ones like Zombie children and old ladies.


The best sounding part of the game is far beyond any of these petty things. There's a special weapon in the game and at first it'll seem like any ordinary blunt weapon; it's a Guitar. You can run around with hit smacking stuff in the head but whenever you feel like it you can press a button and you'll swing it around and start playing a crappy tune like,"dink... dunk ... dan... dang... etc" (Basically it’s an electric guitar without an amplifier). Now at this moment in time you won't think much of this particular weapon but under closer inspection it can be so much more. As in all Xbox games there are achievements. In this case there is a book you can find in the game and if you find it you unlock the achievement, however when you read this book you will truly feel like you've accomplished something. For after you read it, when you break out the guitar you will be able to play some insane guitar solo, but that's not the best bit. Because when you do, the zombies... SET ON FIRE!!!

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Yeah it's genrally something that'll be for him and his friends. He's gonna do stuff like this as a job so it's just an exercise for him. He's got a few other guys to help with coding and stuff but he's the brains behind it.

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