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Alien Invasion RP <PG-16> pt .1 "Escape From Space" (STILL ACCEPTING)


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Jefferson watches Sparky drive away. "Sigh...he always misunderstands everything I say." Still, Jefferson is troubled by Sparky's talk of aliens. He remembers the day he was thrown out of the military. Well, he does know of one individual who might have some answers. Jefferson grunts, returning to his RV. He shuffles through a bunch of papers on his desk, looking for a certain phone number.


(Sorry Prince-AZ3, just going off of what you had done)

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Name: Omar

Age:(18-40) 26

Appearance:(Put in spoiler!) [spoiler=Omar]1211087676_2273_full.jpeg


Occupation: quiet' date=' heartless, ruthless, calm

Vehicle:(Optional) (Can Use Pic) [img']http://www.fast-cars.org/img/bond3.jpg[/img]

Bio:(Have to put at least two sentences) Omar was never liked or loved beacuse he would always kill. Now he puts his past to the side and concentrate on the present.


OOC:Your accepted




everyone is in Havic's office (I think) (IF not your there now)

Havic*OK I'm glad to see you all came

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(BRUUUKKKSSSHHH Lightning and Thunder rumble) "Oh god,when will we get on the stupid road we have been here ages"."1 more minute hacking military files,uploading code 774352563,100 %" said Derek."Lets get out of this place".


Meanwhile on Alien spaceship AstroPhoenix Alpha 321 "Earth is in sight prepare for invasion"

what happens naext...

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Jefferson merges his RV into the slow lane. He's finally found that phone number. The dial tone rings.


Recorded message: [Hello. You've reached the office of Lt. Havic. If you'll like to leave a message--]


"Dang it! He's started without me!" Jefferson accelerates, merging into the fast lane.

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Zak: *With the teacher still in the middle of his lecture Zak stand's up.*


Teach: Take you seat Zak.


Zak: I'm out of here.

*Walk's outside & mount's his motorcycle*

I'm a weapon's genius & I'm stooped to listening to a teacher give out a lecture, how much worse could it get?


*He drives around, get's close to the beach & spot's Chloe*

Hey, why didn't you go to school today?

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