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Dark armed Monarch


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Monster 22

Dark armed dragon x1

Caius the shadow monarch x3

Raiza the storm monarch x2

Thestalos the firestorm monarch x1

Cyber dragon x1

Thunder king rai-oh x3

Treeborn frog x1

Gravekeepers spy x3

Spirit reaper x1

Marshmallon x1

Breaker the magical warrior x1

Nimble momonga x3

Sangan x1

Plaguespreader zombie x1


Spell 9

Burden of the mighty x3

Heavy storm x1

Giant trunade x1

Brain control x1

Monster reborn x1

Shrink x2



Trap 9

Solemn judgment x3

Threatening roar x2

Torrential tribute x1

Phoenix wing wind blast x2

Mirror force x1

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Soz, I would help, but i am not very good with monarch decks or DAD Decks :(

One thing i can see, but not sure on is that i can't see many quick ways to get monarchs out (Double summon/Ultimate offering maybe?)

But If anyon else replies, you are better off following them :(

(I will try to get better :))



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