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Gyft for Miazho >=O


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Meh I Dislike this tag' date=' It's seems way [i']Off[/i] Of what I Expected to see from you, also Where is my gyft?


i like it and how you snook in MIazho's name

but unfortunately i've seen better from you

still Miazho will still like it


Lol you guys.

This is great Blesh ;D

Good work =]

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Wow, nice tag.

Lame it'll be wasted because he'll get perma'd for ripping =D.


Also, make the render more visible, and try giving it some color.

Great shiz actually. But there is a bit too many effects on the lower right corner.


You know, you can always change the Miazo to Frlf :wink:

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i like it as it loks way cool but it cood look even better if it had bright radiant colours instead of just simple black and white. apart from that' date=' well done!!! :)





Thanks SS btw.

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