Amethyst Phoenix Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Hello, and welcome to square enix battles. I have compiled a massive list of square enix characters, who will be pitted against each other in a tournament bracket. Each round will be a 1vs1 of 2 characters. You, the voters will decide who wins. The first combatant to receive 10 votes wins, and progresses up to the next round. And now, here is our massive roster (organized by game)[spoiler=FFVII]Cloud StrifeBarret WallaceTifa LockhartAerith GainsboroughYuffie KisaragiRed XIIICait SithCid HighwindSephirothVincent ValentineZack FairGenesisWeissAngeal [spoiler=FFVIII]Squall LeonhartRinoa HeartillyLaguna LoireSeifer AlmasyQuistis TrepeSelphie TilmittZell DinchtIrvine KinneasKiros SeagillWard ZabacEdea KramerUltimecia [spoiler=FFX]TidusAuronYunaWakkaLuluKimahri RonsoRikkuPaineJechtSeymourSinYu Yevon [spoiler=FFXII]VaanPeneloAsheBascheFranBalthierVayneJudge GabranthYiazmatZodiark [spoiler=FFT]RamzaDelitaZalbaagDycedarg/Adrammelech the WrothWiegraf/Belias the GigasElmdor/Zalera the Seraph of DeathFolmarv/Hashmal Bringer of OrderLoffreyCletienneCardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure KingCidolfus OrlandeauUltima the High Seraph [spoiler=Kingdom Hearts]RikuSoraXemnasXigbarXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaixAxelDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneRoxasXionTerraAquaVennAnsem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless [spoiler=Other]CecilKefkaBrave Fencer MusashiFlandre Scarlet (For S&G)ZidaneKujaGarnetViviSho MinamimotoNeku Every bracket maker on the internet is a piece of crap, so there will be no bracket.[spoiler=Part 1]Weiss VS Roxas Vaan VS Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas VS Kimahri Ronso Kefka VS Xion Vayne VS Laguna Loire Wakka VS Riku Auron VS Judge Gabranth Quistis Trepe VS Dycedarg/Adrammelech the Wroth Cloud Strife VS Penelo Red XIII VS Cardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure King Delita VS Paine Basche VS Aqua Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless VS Flandre Scarlet Aerith Gainsborough VS Zack Fair Folmarv/Hashmal Bringer of Order VS Cidolfus Orlandeau Tifa Lockhart VS Lulu Balthier VS Yuna Zodiark VS Marluxia Jecht VS Seifer Almasy Zexion VS Cecil Xaldin VS Elmdor/Zalera the Seraph of Death Fran VS Xigbar Angeal VS Yiazmat Seymour VS Xemnas Ward Zabac VS Genesis Rikku VS Lexaeus Sora VS Cid Highwind Cait Sith VS Zalbaag Saix VS Axel Yuffie Kisaragi VS Barret Wallace Terra VS Kiros Seagill Loffrey VS Larxene Demyx VS Ashe Ultimecia VS Ultima the High Seraph Vincent Valentine VS Yu Yevon Venn VS Sephiroth Wiegraf/Belias the Gigas VS Tidus Rinoa Heartilly VS Squall Leonhart Cletienne VS Ramza Edea Kramer VS Sin Vexen VS Brave Fencer Musashi Luxord VS Selphie Tilmitt Zidane VS Sho MinamimotoGarnet VS Vivi Kuja VS Neku You may all submit your votes for each battle of part 1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiff! Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 We have a HUGE problem here. I can't find Final Fantasy IX. Where did you put FFIX?I can't find it.It has to be here, cause, well, it does, but i can't see it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amaterasu Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Weiss VS Roxas RoxasVaan VS Zell Dincht vaan Irvine Kinneas VS Kimahri Ronso kimahriKefka VS Xion xion Vayne VS Laguna Loire VayneWakka VS Riku Riku Auron VS Judge Gabranth AuronQuistis Trepe VS Dycedarg/Adrammelech the Wroth Dycedarg Cloud Strife VS Penelo Cloud duhRed XIII VS Cardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure King Red Delita VS Paine PaineBasche VS Aqua Basche Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless VS Flandre Scarlet FlandreAerith Gainsborough VS Zack Fair Aerith Folmarv/Hashmal Bringer of Order VS Cidolfus Orlandeau FolmarvTifa Lockhart VS Lulu Tifa Balthier VS Yuna BalthierZodiark VS Marluxia Marluxia Jecht VS Seifer Almasy SeiferZexion VS Cecil Cecil Xaldin VS Elmdor/Zalera the Seraph of Death ZaleraFran VS Xigbar Xigbar Angeal VS Yiazmat AngealSeymour VS Xemnas Xemnas Ward Zabac VS Genesis WardRikku VS Lexaeus Rikku Sora VS Cid Highwind Cid (don't much like sora.)Cait Sith VS Zalbaag Zalbaag Saix VS Axel AxelYuffie Kisaragi VS Barret Wallace Barret(Reminds me of MR. T.) Terra VS Kiros Seagill TerraLoffrey VS Larxene Larxene Demyx VS Ashe DemyxUltimecia VS Ultima the High Seraph Ultima Vincent Valentine VS Yu Yevon VincentVenn VS Sephiroth Sephiroth Wiegraf/Belias the Gigas VS Tidus BeliasRinoa Heartilly VS Squall Leonhart Squall Cletienne VS Ramza RamzaEdea Kramer VS Sin Edea (Reminds me of the Kramer guitar) Vexen VS Brave Fencer Musashi MusashiLuxord VS Selphie Tilmitt Selphie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Larxene Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Weiss VS Roxas RoxasVaan VS Zell Dincht Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas VS Kimahri Ronso KimahriKefka VS Xion Kefka Vayne VS Laguna Loire VayneWakka VS Riku Riku Auron VS Judge Gabranth AuronQuistis Trepe VS Dycedarg/Adrammelech the Wroth Adrammelech Cloud Strife VS Penelo CloudRed XIII VS Cardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure King Cuchulain Delita VS Paine Paine.Basche VS Aqua Basch' date=' only because we don't know Aqua's strength.[/b'] Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless VS Flandre Scarlet Lol Square-Enix? Flandre Scarlet would blow Ansem's head off.Aerith Gainsborough VS Zack Fair Zack Fair Folmarv/Hashmal Bringer of Order VS Cidolfus Orlandeau HashmalTifa Lockhart VS Lulu Tifa Lockheart. Maybe. Depends on what spells Lulu has. Balthier VS Yuna YunaZodiark VS Marluxia Zodiark Jecht VS Seifer Almasy JechtZexion VS Cecil Zexion. Xaldin VS Elmdor/Zalera the Seraph of Death Zalera? I dunno. Tough choice.Fran VS Xigbar Xigbar Angeal VS Yiazmat Yiazmat. Are you kidding me?Seymour VS Xemnas Xemnas. Barely though. Ward Zabac VS Genesis GenesisRikku VS Lexaeus LEXAEUS SMASH!!! Sora VS Cid Highwind SoraCait Sith VS Zalbaag No idea. cait Sith since I know who he is. Saix VS Axel Saïx. He's second in command for a reason.Yuffie Kisaragi VS Barret Wallace Yuffie? I dunno. Terra VS Kiros Seagill TerraLoffrey VS Larxene Larxene Demyx VS Ashe Probably AsheUltimecia VS Ultima the High Seraph Ultimecia Vincent Valentine VS Yu Yevon Vincent ValentineVenn VS Sephiroth Sephiroth Wiegraf/Belias the Gigas VS Tidus TidusRinoa Heartilly VS Squall Leonhart Squall Leonhart Cletienne VS Ramza Idk. Ramza?Edea Kramer VS Sin Sin Vexen VS Brave Fencer Musashi Who? I'll go with VexenLuxord VS Selphie Tilmitt Luxord Zidane VS Sho Minamimoto Sho MinamimotoGarnet VS Vivi Idk. Vivi I guess, since I think Garnet is a white mage. Kuja VS Neku Kuja. Neku can't fight without a partner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Weiss VS Roxas>RoxasVaan VS Zell Dincht>Vaan Irvine Kinneas VS Kimahri Ronso>Kimahri RonsoKefka VS Xion>Xion Vayne VS Laguna Loire>VayneWakka VS Riku>Riku Auron VS Judge Gabranth>AuronQuistis Trepe VS Dycedarg/Adrammelech the Wroth>Dycedarg/Addramelech the Wroth Cloud Strife VS Penelo>Cloud StrifeRed XIII VS Cardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure King>Red XIII Delita VS Paine>PaineBasche VS Aqua>Basche Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless VS Flandre Scarlet>Flandre ScarletAerith Gainsborough VS Zack Fair>Zack Fair Folmarv/Hashmal Bringer of Order VS Cidolfus Orlandeau>Cidolfus OrlandeauTifa Lockhart VS Lulu>Lulu(Assuming she has a full sphere grid) Balthier VS Yuna>YunaZodiark VS Marluxia>Zordiark Jecht VS Seifer Almasy>Jecht(Even if he wasn't Sin)Zexion VS Cecil>Cecil Xaldin VS Elmdor/Zalera the Seraph of Death>Hm, tough one..umm..draw?Fran VS Xigbar>Xigbar Angeal VS Yiazmat>YiazmatSeymour VS Xemnas>Xemnas, but it would be no easy task for him Ward Zabac VS Genesis>GenesisRikku VS Lexaeus>Lexaues Sora VS Cid Highwind>This is actually a tough call, usually I'd say Sora but when I look back on what Cid could do in FFVII..., I'll say Sora.Cait Sith VS Zalbaag>I didn't find a need for him in tactics...So Cait Sith Saix VS Axel>SaixYuffie Kisaragi VS Barret Wallace>Barret probably Terra VS Kiros Seagill>TerraLoffrey VS Larxene>again, I didn't like him in tactics, so Larxene Demyx VS Ashe>Ashe, Demyx is a chump!Ultimecia VS Ultima the High Seraph>Ultimecia Vincent Valentine VS Yu Yevon>Vincent ValentineVenn VS Sephiroth>Sephiroth Wiegraf/Belias the Gigas VS Tidus>TidusRinoa Heartilly VS Squall Leonhart>Squall Lionheart Cletienne VS Ramza>RamzaEdea Kramer VS Sin>Sin Vexen VS Brave Fencer Musashi>Brave Fencer MusashiLuxord VS Selphie Tilmitt>Luxord Zidane VS Sho Minamimoto>Sho MinamimotoGarnet VS Vivi>Vivi Kuja VS Neku>Kuja Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amethyst Phoenix Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Just a few comments: A) If you don't know who someone is, wikipedia and google are incredibly fast and easy ways to find out. Even Lar isn't too lazy for them. B) I know flandre is not a square enix character. If you read the roster, it says in parentheses that she's there for sh*ts and giggles. C) This isn't a story based competition. It's a power based. Because someone was not essential to the plot in your view, doesn't make them any less powerful. Yiazmat and zodiark are good examples. They're both extremely powerful, and the plot would be completely fine without them. D) If you think some battles are obvious and I shouldn't have put them together like that, it's not my fault. I ran these through a randomizer so it'd be fair. E) I'm glad someone has played FF tactics. That'd probably be the only way to know that Orlandeau is so ridiculously OP that he kills every boss in a few hits. F) Zalbaag is important to the plot. [spoiler=FFT Spoilers]He gives Ramza some information that pretty much sets the entire first half of act one's plot in motion.He saves Alma from the corpse brigade soldiers. If he hadn't she might have died at ziekden too, which would eliminate the host of ultima, therefore making the entire zodiac stones plot of the game pointless.He leads Duke Larg's side in the war of the lions. This event is one of the central elements of the 2nd half of the game. He discovers dycedarg's corruption and confronts him at Eagrose, assisting in the boss fight with dycedarg. So, if Zalbaag weren't included, the plot could potentially be completely screwed over at 4 seperate times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Weiss VS Roxas Vaan VS Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas VS Kimahri Ronso Kefka VS Xion Vayne VS Laguna Loire Wakka VS Riku Auron VS Judge Gabranth Quistis Trepe VS Dycedarg/Adrammelech the Wroth Cloud Strife VS Penelo Red XIII VS Cardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure King Delita VS Paine Basche VS Aqua Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless VS Flandre Scarlet Aerith Gainsborough VS Zack Fair Folmarv/Hashmal Bringer of Order VS Cidolfus Orlandeau Tifa Lockhart VS Lulu Balthier VS Yuna Zodiark VS Marluxia Jecht VS Seifer Almasy Zexion VS Cecil Xaldin VS Elmdor/Zalera the Seraph of Death Fran VS Xigbar Angeal VS Yiazmat Seymour VS Xemnas Ward Zabac VS Genesis Rikku VS Lexaeus Sora VS Cid Highwind Cait Sith VS Zalbaag Saix VS Axel Yuffie Kisaragi VS Barret Wallace Terra VS Kiros Seagill Loffrey VS Larxene Demyx VS Ashe Ultimecia VS Ultima the High Seraph Vincent Valentine VS Yu Yevon Venn VS Sephiroth Wiegraf/Belias the Gigas VS Tidus Rinoa Heartilly VS Squall Leonhart Cletienne VS Ramza Edea Kramer VS Sin Vexen VS Brave Fencer Musashi Luxord VS Selphie Tilmitt Zidane VS Sho MinamimotoGarnet VS Vivi Kuja VS Neku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted April 16, 2009 Report Share Posted April 16, 2009 Just a few comments: A) If you don't know who someone is' date=' wikipedia and google are incredibly fast and easy ways to find out. Even Lar isn't too lazy for them. B) I know flandre is not a square enix character. If you read the roster, it says in parentheses that she's there for sh*ts and giggles. C) This isn't a story based competition. It's a power based. Because someone was not essential to the plot in your view, doesn't make them any less powerful. Yiazmat and zodiark are good examples. They're both extremely powerful, and the plot would be completely fine without them. D) If you think some battles are obvious and I shouldn't have put them together like that, it's not my fault. I ran these through a randomizer so it'd be fair. E) I'm glad someone has played FF tactics. [b']That'd probably be the only way to know that Orlandeau is so ridiculously OP that he kills every boss in a few hits.[/b] F) Zalbaag is important to the plot. [spoiler=FFT Spoilers]He gives Ramza some information that pretty much sets the entire first half of act one's plot in motion.He saves Alma from the corpse brigade soldiers. If he hadn't she might have died at ziekden too, which would eliminate the host of ultima, therefore making the entire zodiac stones plot of the game pointless.He leads Duke Larg's side in the war of the lions. This event is one of the central elements of the 2nd half of the game. He discovers dycedarg's corruption and confronts him at Eagrose, assisting in the boss fight with dycedarg. So, if Zalbaag weren't included, the plot could potentially be completely screwed over at 4 seperate times. the thing in bold is probably the most smartest and correct thing I've heard all day... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zexaeon Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Weiss VS Roxas Vaan VS Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas VS Kimahri Ronso Irvine is cool, but Kimahri is far tougher, and has access to some devastating abilities. Kefka VS Xion Vayne VS Laguna Loire Wakka VS Riku Tough call, since Wakka is strong like giant. Auron VS Judge Gabranth Auron wins with badassery and the fact that he...uh...nevermind. [spoiler=Don't look if you haven't played X]Auron is teh dead already >=D Unsent FTW Quistis Trepe VS Dycedarg/Adrammelech the Wroth Quistis has Blue Magic Cloud Strife VS Penelo Red XIII VS Cardinal Delacroix/Cuchulain the Impure King Cuchulain wasn't too difficult, and Red XIII has Lunatic High and Earth Rave Delita VS Paine xD Delita is too pansy to beat Paine Basche VS Aqua Just because she is an Uber Keyblade Knight. Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort's Heartless VS Flandre Scarlet Aerith Gainsborough VS b]Zack Fair[/b] Folmarv/Hashmal Bringer of Order VS Cidolfus Orlandeau CHEAP character is CHEAP Tifa Lockhart VS Lulu Tifa's max Mg.Def isn't that high, while Lulu's max Mag + her Spells = Dead Tifa Balthier VS Yuna They can both use Guns, and summon. Yuna is sexy as a gunner and Balthier is epc. Therefore, it's a tie. Zodiark VS Marluxia Jecht VS Seifer Almasy Zexion VS Cecil Despite how epic he is, I don't see Cecil being able to overcome Zexion's clones, mimicing abilities, and book traps by himself. Xaldin VS Elmdor/Zalera the Seraph of Death Zalera wasn't that hard, and Xaldin is more epic Fran VS Xigbar Fran is vicious, but isn't fast enough to even be able to touch Xigbar Angeal VS Yiazmat xD You may have to pit 3 opponents against this guy next round. Otherwise, there's no way he'll lose. Seymour VS Xemnas But he sure as hell won't have an easy time of it. Seymour might win if he has his Mortibody AND somehow still has Anima, but that combination is invalid, so yeah. Ward Zabac VS Genesis Rikku VS Lexaeus Very close. =o As long as she keeps moving and dishing out her mighty mixes, she can win. But one good smack from Lex will probably take her out. Sora VS Cid Highwind Cait Sith VS Zalbaag xD Unless Cait Sith uses Game Over Saix VS Axel Dude, Axel is afraid of Saix. Yuffie Kisaragi VS Barret Wallace Terra VS Kiros Seagill Both Kh Terra and VI Terra (Tina) would kick ass. Loffrey VS Larxene Demyx VS Ashe She's tougher Ultimecia VS Ultima the High Seraph Vincent Valentine VS Yu Yevon Yevon is helpless without an Aeon to possess.Venn VS Sephiroth Wiegraf/Belias the Gigas VS Tidus Tidus would need help with this guyRinoa Heartilly VS Squall Leonhart Cletienne VS Ramza Edea Kramer VS Sin xD This guy might need multiple opponents, too Vexen VS Brave Fencer Musashi Luxord VS Selphie Tilmitt THE END Zidane VS Sho MinamimotoGarnet VS Vivi Kuja VS Neku Neku can't use his superpowers by himself, or unless he's dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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