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The worst tin on YCM (3rd attempt)


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Next time use the font "Georgia" i must say your improving each time you try' date=' you should ask andinator for hi9s tin template, its better than mine.



just because i am emo does not mean i cant be comp smart. ;-)


EDIT: How do I use the PSD, Andinator?

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Well, first you need to unlock the file. to do that, right click the file, go to properties, the unclick the "read-only" sign. Then, open the file. All the locked files don't need to be touched. paste the render on a new layer after the Tech Circle Layer, and change the color of the Background Color Layer. then, just change the Text Layer and your done

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Well' date=' first you need to unlock the file. to do that, right click the file, go to properties, the unclick the "read-only" sign. Then, open the file. All the locked files don't need to be touched. paste the render on a new layer after the Tech Circle Layer, and change the color of the Background Color Layer. [b']then, just change the Text Layer and your done[/b]


The one thing i dunno how to do.

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you can look for some tuts around the net' date=' but im not sure, I think cloud strife sells photoshop CS4 to people for a few points


uhh, why is cloud selling a cs4 that i gave to him free


Come on people, is there no way to make the text look right?

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you can look for some tuts around the net' date=' but im not sure, I think cloud strife sells photoshop CS4 to people for a few points


uhh, why is cloud selling a cs4 that i gave to him free


Come on people, is there no way to make the text look right?


Well first try a bolder and bigger text >_> also what program are you using? If PS then you can use dodge color I think it is color. I forgot about the outline, I think stroke or something.

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