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Gathering of the Powers: Video Game Role Play {Started, Still Accepting}


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They thought they were all powerful.

They were wrong.


After eons of remaining omnipotent beings, Master Hand and Crazy Hand have been brought down by an unknown force. Using the last of their powers, they brought fighters from across all the worlds to defeat this force, and save all worlds. They must join forces, lest threaten the entire universe. This unknown force has brought together the evil beings of the fighters' worlds, making their struggle even harder.




- Standard YCM/RP rules apply (spamming/flaming/trolling/GodModing)

- Only one character per person

- Please stay active. If one is not active, (100 posts without a post of their own) their character will be presumed dead, and they are out of the RP.

- No rejoining after being kicked out

- Only apply as video game characters, and in the correct alliance




Character Name:

Respective Video Game:

Alliance - Fighter/Foe:




- *Rushing Diamond*: Shadow the Hedgehog

- KWLegend: Link

- The Omega: Cloud Strife

- double_c4: SS4 Gogeta

- ntsnts33: Bullseye

- Dark Necro: Nero

- §hadow §triker: Falco Lombardi

- elitduelists: Zack Fair

- shadow mir: Solid Snake



- :.Untouched.:: Sasuke Uchiha

- Fenrir: Rahu

- Lord of Chaos: Ganondorf

- TheGreatUnknown: Aldaris

- Lord JZ of the Enigma: Sephiroth

- TwIsTeD GaArA_95: Xigbar

- codypops: Virgil

- Angel Of Death: Magneto

- j-manw/thap-lan: Xaldin

- Cove: Wario


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