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Chaos of the Virtual World. *Finished*

Sunshine Jesse

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Zarkus coughed up blood, both in game and in real life.

"Listen. I am not... I am nowhere near... some hero. I.. never cared about justice. I just fought for those... who I considered friends!"

He walked closer to Sigma.

"Sigma... I will save you..."

His hand glowed a red color"

"Even... at the cost of my own life!"

He thrust his hand through Sigma's torso.


Sigma was covered in a red aura.

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The gentleman in the Oni mask walked up casually to Zarkus and Sigma. After starting at them both for a moment, he placed a hand on Sigma's shoulder for a couple second, as his outline shimmered for a second. After a moment he nodded. "Part of the Virus indeed..." He said in an odd tone.

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Zarkus looked at the person in the Oni mask, and then Sigma

"...I guess..."

He stuttered over to the cross in the center of the cathedral and stood under it.

"Its been fun..."

He put his back against the cross and sat down. He looked up, and his vision was whitening. The background music he heard was getting quieter.

"...its quiet now. I guess this is how it should end. I... always wanted to die like this... going out for a friend."

His dark half faded away and didnt say anything. He barely uttered a few last words.

"Virus... listen here... your time will eventually come, and you will be destroyed. By who? I dont know, but... just count on it."

He looked at the ground.

"Arthias... Im coming to see you. Wait for me."

His head slumped. His heart stopped in real life.

Zarkus was dead.

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Sigma watched Zarkus die. 'Re-intiate back-up profile, Sigma' he commanded. The image changed and Sigma was in his usual outfit. 'Initiate skin, Vengeance' he added. Sigma;s image began turning into something similar to the virus. His hands turned into claws and his voots into talons. His eyes and mouth went red and his image fluctuated. 'This time, I will be prepared. Purify system' Sigma ordered.


The whole server rumbled as the dark taint began to fade away, the shape however remained. The cathedral warped and began to look better. The throne vanished. 'This will be our challenging server' Sigma said with a grin. He then looked at Zarkus's body and nodded. 'I cna download his mind into the game if I'm swift' he muttered and a keyboard appeared. Sigma began typing hecktically as a download bar appeared.

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Zarkus's body was in fact dead, but rigor mortis wasn't setting in. It was being prevented by his dark half, who was still alive, but he couldnt take Zarkus's body over because Zarkus himself was dead. He was still in the hospital, but a mysterious cloaked man came in and took Zarkus's body. The man spoke with a deep toned voice.

"Its not your time yet. I guess I might as well try this..."

Zarkus's body was put in this pod. The pod preserved his body perfectly, and was connected to the game. His mind was in-fact in the afterlife, if only for a moment. He didnt say much, but saw Arthias's soul. It spoke to him.

"When you log on to the game, you will be given a card that will be the key to your victory... Well, you wont see it, but it will be in your deck. You will draw it when the time is right. Now go!"

Zarkus's consciousness dissipated from the afterlife. He woke up in his player character.

"Sigma... I... did I save you? Wait, this... this isnt a visual! Im actually inside the game! How did you do this?"

OOC: His body is connected to the game, but he cant reunite with it quite yet.

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The Oni-masked man shrugged. "I know this, because I am integrated into the main frame. My full body, which is to say, the part of me which actually exists, has integrated himself with the main program in order to bolster his understanding of the virus; unfortunately, by increasing his vision like such, he has heavily disrupted his functions. I am a surveillance node created to bypass that limitation... my name is Leif-RedXi. I was sent to obtain a sample of the virus infecting Sigma. My brothers, Leif-BlueYii and Leif-YellowZiiv are elsewhere."

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'Well, tell them to scan other servers if they didn't already. I initiated a systems puge, the only reason a purge wouldn't work before was because I wouldn't allow it' Sigma explained. He then walked over to Zarkus. 'We cannot be sure tot rust what he claims yet. Prepare for any form of surprises, if worst comes to sorst, I'll seal him in my Aeria of Repulsion' he whispered to inaudibly that no one but Zarkus could've heard.

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Sigma pulled something from his darkness, it was the oni mask. 'That is open for discussion. I never wore the viral mask more than once, I knew it would be too dangerous. So I created a replica and kept the true mask on my avatar, which Zarkus did in fact back up along with my avatar'.

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Red nodded. "That is very possible that you've seen -A- core. As I've mentioned, the Virus is still incomplete... its central processing units, its 'Cores', are still segmented and separate. But I have reason to believe it wishes to fuse those cores, until only a single remains... for what reason it wants to become complete, I am sadly unaware. That is the reason we need the samples of the Virus to analyze."

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