Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "I draw. Hm, lets see... the Seal of the Dark Oracle is already in play, so... I Special Summon Dark Sacrifice Duo in defense mode in my back row! I summon Dark Soul Skull King and have him attack your Forgotten Violinist and your One Man Band!"OOC: Response? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 ooc: If you like I can interuppt this and be your opponent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 OOC: Erm, nah, this is kinda important for my RP >_> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 ooc: ok. Will stay hidden and watch the match. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 [Draw Phase]Leif drew from his deck furiously. "It's my turn now." He said dead seriously, disturbed at how much damage hisfoe managed to do to him in a single turn. He didn't think it would be good to lose here. [L-4][standby phase]He winced as he felt the mists of the Castle soak in, and the top card of his deck was sent to the graveyard.[Main Phase 1]He glanced at the cards in his hand, then in his graveyard furiously, then paused and took a breath. All he neededto do was calm down... calm down, and think about his next move. He had his hand... but he had his graveyard too. "From my hand, I normal summon... the ever-present Reaper Deya!"In an torrent of wind, once again the green mask-wearing Reaper had appeared, brandishing her sickles dangerously (700/200). [L-3]"And now... from my Graveyard, I summon The Grim Face of Death! I thank you for your Castle, King, as I wasn'tsure how I'd get him there otherwise. With a moan, once again the ground burst wide as the horrific zombie broke free of his earthen prison. His featureless wooden mask stood out among the white mists. (0/100)"But that isn't all... from my hand, I Special Summon my Dead Eye! Dead Eye can be special summoned as longas I have a Big Eye in my graveyard, if you weren't aware."The Zombified Big Eye appeared again, gazing around with its half-decayed, bloodshot eyes. (1200/1000) Leif flourished slightly. "Now, my fate's up to Lady Luck. I activate Dead Eye's effect, with The Grim Face of Death as the tribute." The Zombie dissapeared, as Dead Eye's many eyes glowed. Leif picked up his cards, and smirked widely underhis mask. "King, this is only the second turn, and yet this is the begining of the end for you! Among the cards Isaw with Dead Eye's effect was Reaper Horizon, who I can send to the grave in exchange for 3 extra cards for Dead Eye's effect!" He made the discard, and picked three more cards. He made a couple minor modifications, before setting them back on his deck. "Next, I resurrect The Grim Face of Death. He just keeps comming back, doesn't he?" The zombie reappeared silently, from beneath the ground. "Next, using Grim's effect, I Special Summon Reaper Horizon!" The Grim face of death gestured, and a new reaper appeared on the field. This one was much different from the others; unlike the other Reaper's black, hopeless uniform, he wore a white garb that wouldn't look out of place on a priest. Despite also wearing a mask like his Reaper bretheren, Horizon's mask was reminiscent of a Buddhist Halo, and seemed to have large lights on his back that resembled wings (0/0). "Now, there's one thing about Reaper Horizon... he's a Tuner." The king was silent. "I tune together Reaper Horizon and The Grim Face of Death to create..." Reaper Horizon and The Grim Face of Death rose into the sky. Grim burst into motes of light, as he formed into a single white star. Horizon stayed still with his arms outstretched, glowing, as he radiated 5 glowing stars, which orbited around him, shortly joined by the sixth. The stars spun around and around Horizon, before the finally snapped back with a small explosion of light. Moments later, a figure in dark armor fell from the sky. A Knight in raven armor, holding a Scythe dark as space was there, glowering silently at the King with Menace and Authority. The Grey Knighton the other side of the field seemed to flinch. " Deathlord Reaper Jhorral!" (1300/2000) Leif smirked. "Jhorral may not seem menacing at first... but among his effects, he gains 100 attack points for every monster in either of our Graveyards. With your strategy, how many is that?" The King didn't answer, but the response wasn't nessisarry as Jhorral's attack increased. (1300/2000)-(2200/2000) "Now... it's time for this duel to end. On my second turn, no less. Let's see... on either of our field, we have a total of...6 cards. Well, 7, as despite me tuning for him, Grim Face can STILL return to the field." Once again, the earthbound Zombie clawed his way to the surface [Field Total- 7] "Next, I set one card face down..." [L-2] Two face-down cards appeared in the Spell/Trap Zone. [Field Total- 8] "Next, I should tell you something- My Grim Face of death has ANOTHER effect! uh hunh! Most don't notice it, as it's a bit situational... Grimmy here can send any of my Reapers back onto my deck prematurely. Like with Deya, here." Grim let out a howling moan, as Deya turned back into energy, and returned to Leif's deck. [Field Total- 7] Leif smirked. "And now... the time is Nigh." He said smirking. "The stage is set, the actors are in place... all that's missing is one thing... time to drop the curtain!"  "I activate... One Strike Kill! Slash Draw!" Leif yelled, as he placed the card on his duel disk. A scabbard appeared at his side, holding a katana. "Slash Draw works like this... I count up the Feild Total, and discard from my deck that many cards. Then, I take a peek at the top card of my deck after that... if it's anything but a second copy of Slash Draw, nothing happens. But if it IS a second copy- like I made sure it is with Dead Eye's prediction- well then..." Leif chuckled. "You're about to find out. Draw!" He yelled, as he removed the top seven cards from his deck. Then, he hastilly flipped over the next one, showing his second copy of 'One Strike Kill! Slash Draw!' And then, without warning, he lashed out with the sword- there was a moment of serene quiteness, following the whiplash of the sword, and then a momentary pause. Leif stood up, flicked the sword expertly, and tucked it back into its scabbard. As soon as it clicked in, several things happened. First, his two set cards exploded into shards of data. Then, Jhorral, Dead Eye and Grim exloded, as slash marksappeared on their middrift. Then, the Grey Knight slid off his lower body, as his torso fell off. Finally, the castle itself groaned as it was annihilated, the mist and data clearing up. Finally, the King himself was blown backwards, his chestplate showing slash damage. "You receive 1000 points of damage for every destroyed card. That's 7000." He smiled as the King's Life Points went down to 1000."...And you know one of my face-downs? That was Slash Reaper. Slash Reaper hits you for another 1000 when its destroyed."He took off his mask for a minute to give his triumphant smile towards his defeated opponent, as his Life Points ticked to 0. [spoiler= Cards used]Deathlord Reaper JhorralLevel 6; Dark[Zombie/Synchro]Reaper Horizon + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersIf this card is destroyed outside of battle, special summon it back to the field with 3000 base atk. Increasethis card's Atk by 100 for every card in either player's graveyard. If this card was special summonedby this card's effect, it cannot be destroyed by opponent's card effects. Atk/1300 Def/2000 One Strike Kill! Slash Draw! All other cards used in this Duel have already been used by Leif Previously, and documented in previous Spoiler Tags.   Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 OOC: rookie, stop talking in the ifrst person before i eat you. IC: 'You cannot attack the one man band LV1 whilst another Black Serenade is present, therefore, you must attack the Super Groupies'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "Fine. I'll attack him then! Then I set 3 cards face down and pay 1000 Life Points to maintain my Seal and end my turn."Life Points: 7000Hand: 1Monsters:2Spells/traps:4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 'With the destruction of the groupies by battle, they special summon a new level 4 or below Black Serenade monster, now, the bot will summon to his field the Black Serenade - Forgotten Violinist again' Sigma said. The violinist appears in a large explosion of smoke The bot draws and looks at the card. The one man Band starts to glow as he transforms and gets more instruments. 'During each standby phase, the one man band levels, he now goes from LV1 to LV3' Sigma added. The man began to play and the opposing monsters seemed to wither. 'As long as the band remains, your monsters lose 300 ATK/DEF'. 'On the ning nang nong, the cows go bong' the bot said. 'By removing rom play 2 Black Serenade, the bot will summon Black Serenade - Aeria of Repulsion in defence mode, her effect, can take one of your monsters and equips it to herself, increasing her attack and defence by it's attack, therefore, she will now claim your Dark Soul SKull King' Sigma added. A large fat opera singer appeared and opened her mouth. She began sucking hard and the king was dragged into her gaping mouth, she burped and didn't get any wider. 'Her attack and defence is now 2300'. OOC: what are the stats of the duo, they don't appear in the dark advent section, you screwed the img tags i think.  [spoiler=Cards Used] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 OOC: If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If a card effect would require you to tribute monsters, once per turn, you can pay Life Points in multiples of 500 for every required tribute in place of the tribute. This card cannot be destroyed or used in a Syncrho Summon or as a tribute for a Tribute Summon. 0 ATK and 0 DEF. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 'The bot will end his turn' Sigma said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "My turn. Draw! I activate Dark Soul Bounty, discarding Dark Soul to draw 4 cards from my deck. I then Summon Dark Soul Soldier, and with his effect add Dark Soul Jester to my hand. I then Special Summon Dark Soul; one from my hand and one from my Graveyard!"The monsters gave off this sinister air."I tribute all three of them to Special Summon Dark Soul Psycho General to the field in attack position! Then I activate his effect, granting me 2100 Life Points!"Life Points: 7100"Now I use his effect to Special Summon 2 Dark Soul Soldiers to the field from my deck at the cost of 2000 Life Points, and have them attack you directly!"Hand:1[spoiler=cards used]Â Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 The bot shields itself as a card appears. 'On the nong ning nang, all the mice go clang, but you just can't catch them when they do' it sang. 'He said that he activates the Counter of Rock'n'Roll, which negates an attack and sends the attacking card back to your hand, then, he special summons a monster from his deck with lower level, so, he shall summon the Black Serenade - Wraith of the Harp to the field' Sigma added. [spoiler=Cards Used] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "Then my second one will attack you! Go! Attack him directly! I then pay 1000 Life Points and end my turn. The effect of Dark Soul Soldier allows you to add one card from your Grave to your hand."Hand: 1Spells/traps:4LP: 6000Monsters: 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 'The bot takes 2200 damage and adds the Counter of Rock'n'Roll back to his hand. Now he shall draw, moving on to his stand-by phase, where the one man band levels to 5, in defence mode. Also, your monsters now lose 500 attack and defence' Sigma explained. The one man band glew and his array of instruments change again. 'Now, the bot will activate the Cursed Music Hall, a field spell. I understand that your seal cannot be removed from the field, but, that does not mean that a new spell cannot be played by the opponent. Since my field spell is newly activated, your effect is lossed, meaning your monsters in your s/t zone are destroyed as well. Not to mention that your turns become more costly since you cannot play a new field spell and even destroying mine makes no difference. Oh yeah, all level 4 or below black serenades gain 100 x their level in attack and defence. So my violinist gains 400 more defence, putting him to 3600. and my wraith gains nothing as it has more than 4 levels' Sigma mocked. 'He will set a card and end his turn' he added. [spoiler=Cards Used] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "Hm, not bad! Its my turn, draw!"Zarkus looked at his cards."You commented on my turns being more costly, however, I will reduce all of that damage to nothing with this card! First, I special summon two Dark Sousl from my Graveyard and take, then I tribute them along with my Soldier and take 2000 damage to Summon... Dark Soul - Eclipse Knight! With his effect, Dark Soul - Firestorm Knight is also summoned. Now, I activate the effect of Firestorm Knight, negating the effect of One Man Band and reducing his ATK and DEF to 0. Eclipse Knight, attack his One man Band!OOC: I dont know what else you have on the field >_> Also: Effects of Eclipse and Firestorm there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 Sigma watches as the attack flies at the band, but then redirects to the violinist who repels the attack. 'I assume you have already forgotten what my violinist does, so let me remind you, he can be the only attack target when you attack, and with 3600 def, you aren't breaking that and you also loss 900 LP' he pointed out. OOC: my monsters are: forgotten violinist, one man band lv5, aeria of repulsiona nd wraith of the harp, i have a f/d and the cursed music hall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "I activate my face down Defense Seal! It will remove your Violinist from play. Also, I can repeat this effect once per turn as long as this card remains in the Graveyard!"[spoiler=card]Select one Defense Position monster on the field and remove it from play until your next End Phase. You can repeat this effect once per turn while this card is in your Graveyard. The controller of the monster cannot be attacked directly when the selected monster is removed. This card cannot be negated or chained to.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 OOC: My Life Points are now 4000 because I summoned Eclipse Knight. Also, edited the post I used to summon them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 OOC: you can;t used defense seal because you lost your hand to firestorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 OOC: FFFFFFFFFFF- >_> Well, I DO have 3 Facedowns, so... yeah. Post edited. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 'Fine, the one man band is destroyed, not like it matters, he was in defence, congratulations, you actually did something useful' Sigma said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 9, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 "His Aria of Replusion... I forgot about that. Dammit. Turn end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 9, 2009 Report Share Posted May 9, 2009 'The bot shall draw' Sigma said. The thing drew, and, it's mask smiled. 'On the nong nang ning, all the trees go ping' it said. 'He said that he plays Heavy Storm, destroying every s/t. Meaning I lose my music hall, although, he can remove both one man band lv1 and 3 to save it, which he does, his f/d, which as you know was counter of rock'n'roll, and the card equipped to the aeria, that being skull king' Sigma explained. The whirlwind tore through the field and destroyed everything, including skull king which aeria spat out. 'She will now absorb your eclipse with her effect'. Aeria opened her mouth and eclipse was sucked into her open mouth. 'As they say, it isn't over til the fat lady sings'. OOC: counters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Jesse Posted May 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 "In response to your Storm, I activate this! Flaming Retribution Storm! You see, for every Spell or Trap card that would be destroyed by your storm, you select and destroy one monster on your side of the field and take 500 damage for every destroyed monster."[spoiler=card used]Activate when your opponent activates a card effect that would destroy any Spell or Trap cards on your side of the field. Your opponent selects and destroys one monster on their side of the field for every Spell and Trap card that would be destroyed and takes 500 damage for every destroyed monster.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 OOC: .......Isn't that totally and completely OP? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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