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Marvel RP - Symbiote Carnation {Started, Still Accepting Via Pm}

Lelouch Lamperouge

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1. The Bio Is Too Long And You Didn't Write It..

2. You Know' date=' If Your A Non-Symbiote On Chaos Correlation, Your A Slave..


And when untouched realises he's not as good as me.


Well All Know That....


Dammit. ;.; Sorry, I'll find someone else, then. xD


Heeey, do you think I could use Hallelujah Haptism's character that she was going to use?

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User Name: Signosis

Character: Black Cat

Status: Chaos Correlation

[spoiler=(Image)] http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee80/Basic-Thuganomics/Other/SymbioteBlackCatForms.png


Bio:Black Cat was conquered by one of Venom's symbiotes, during the symbiote invasion. She was given control over her symbiote, using the symbiote to continue her Anti-Hero streak. However like most symbiote users, she has urges to kill, and due to these urges, she will devour her opponents; she is also destined to be the Symbiote Queen, whether she likes it or not.


There. I touched it up a bit. Too many run-ons. x.x

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User Name: Aelsthla-Mental

Character: Deadpool

Status: Chaos Correlation

Image: Without Symbiote: http://api.ning.com/files/qYu3XSmaBLxITTvbHpsZDQM0nzL5tT53mCKDeItwwd0_/Deadpool_9.jpg


With Symbiote active: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sNjoqbqS6zo/SP5tBDMNbZI/AAAAAAAAAA8/wZxbP5j2_qQ/s320/BrownCableDeadpool50.jpg

Alternatively, on DeviantART, there is an amazing pic of what it should look like done by Jin-Saotome. You should look it up!


Bio: A slight change in history, Deadpool embraced the symbiote (Cable and Deadpool Comic 50) and deserted his heroic ideals. Now he assists the Chaos Correlation. Keeping Weasel alive, but as little more then a slave, and usually injures him even more then he did previously. Despite the symbiote, Deadpool's personality seems to have changed little. Whether this is because the symbiote simply finds the personality what it wishes to, is unable to maintain a hold in Deadpool's cancerous mind, or another reason is up for questioning.

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