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Terms - what do they mean?



I want to find out all these expressions, im not as txt leik as you all.


tl;dr (i think this is nonesense)









These phrases, i know, but want to know why they are used.


Leik / liek














-lol... thanks anyway.

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11 answers to this question

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Leik / liek

Tl;Dr? [Means "Too long; didn't read]


lulz [Distortion of "lol" or "lolz"; sometimes used as "for the lulz", meaning "Just for the heck of it."]


lrn2OCG [Means "Learn to use correct Official Card Grammar"]


*coughtextcough* [the "text" is a message that is not supposed to be important, or otherwise an accusation or something of the like]


IMA FIRIN MA LAZOR [internet meme ; used to slightly annoy people]


Teh [Means "the"]




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yeah, i dont like these internet phrases, id rather people used the correct english grammar. Instead of liek, just put 'like', same with teh. looks crappy.


and thats what a stock is, apparently i've been using them in my sigs, well i can officially delcare, i havent used any stocks :) (does that mean my Bg's were good if they think i used stocks)?

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lol, well they look crappy (i was going to say n00by, but that would contradict myself).


and sorry for not knowing what a stock is, i just dont go all nerd when it comes to learning, how was i supposed to find out what one was if nobody told me.

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