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My best splice so far also my 3rd


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I first made this one which was more a tester than a proper atempt lol




Mewtow + Alakazam + Regigages

then I tryed to make it look good so I tryed Two of my faverets




Electrivire + magmorta


Then I went all out and tred spliceing three together and I have not made a better one since but I would like your oppinion cus if this aint good then I got to get better and fast :(




Glacion + Regice + Articuno + Swinubs last evo + Abomasnow


so what do you think

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Head over to the Splicing School in the Clubs sub-section. It's for people who are starting out splicing and need advice.


As for what's wrong, I advise that you learn to recolor things, especially borders. Colors that don't match is something that really kills a splice but is usually easily fixable. I suggest you read a tutorial, Jappio has a really good one in the tutorials section, and remember to recolor borders and occasional parts.

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