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Beast-Type Contest (finished)


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Hi! This contest revolves around beast-types and is sponsored by the super monkey club. themonkeyman7000 will judge too, right themonkeyman7000?


Here are da rules:

1. Post only best-type related cards

2: No over/under powered cards.

3: Must post 3 cards.

4: 1 monster, spell, and trap.

5: Only 9 members can join the contest.

6. Must be a realistic card. No pop-culture

7. Ends on Oct. 13; reservations end on Oct. 12



1. 2 reps 50 pts

2. 1 rep 35 pts

3. 1 rep 20 pts

4. 20 pts

5. 10 pts


Entrants (Only 9):

1. cantstaystill

2. qwer

3. Speed Dragon90

4. Zone

5. rewrite696

6. joseph_downe

7. rivermaster





1. Zone

2. rivermaster

3. qwer

4. cantstaystil

5. joseph_downe

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Here are my cards




I don't think phoenix is overpowered becauuse if you pay 1500 life points to summon him you can only summon him back 8 times before you lose, and if you don't pay 1500 life points he can only be summoned 9 times before you lose.(Not counting when you lose life points from your opponent)

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