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At World's End Role Play: Curse of The One Winged Angel |RP killed!| |Lock, please! Too many inactive members!

Chaotic Angel

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OoC: Ugh.. Did you guys forget about the RP!? BUMP!


IC: Ron and Nick arrives to Chaos' location. Ron said: "Chaos! I'm here to defeat you! You can't run away!" and commences the longest fight of all!


-Chaos' HP (First Phase): 100000000-


OoC2: I'll need you guys in here, NOW!

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OoC: Damn it! BUMP!


IC: Chaos did nothing but sends all the Final Fantasy antagonists to fight Ron and Nick, who sends all of the Organization XIII to help them out.


*Antagonists' Side*


-Garland's HP: 12000000-


-Mateus' HP: 12500000-


-Cloud of Darkness' HP: 13000000-


-Golbeza's HP: 13500000-


-Exdeath's HP: 14000000-


-Cefca's HP: 14500000-


-Sephiroth's HP: 15000000-


-Ultimecia's HP: 15500000-


-Kuja's HP: 16000000-


-Jecht's HP: 16500000-


-Gabranth's HP: 17000000-



*Protagonists' Side*


-Xemnas' HP: 20000000-


-Xigbar's HP: 19500000-


-Xaldin's HP: 19000000-


-Vexen's HP: 18500000-


-Leaxeus' HP: 18000000-


-Zexion's HP: 17500000-


-Saïx's HP: 17000000-


-Axel's HP: 16500000-


-Demyx's HP: 16000000-


-Luxord's HP: 15500000-


-Marluxia's HP: 15000000-


-Larxene's HP: 14500000-


-Roxas' HP: 14000000-



-Ron's HP: 100%-


-Nick's HP: 100%-

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Nick said to Zeke: "You deal with the Antagonists, along with the Organization XIII's, I'll deal with Chaos, along with Ron!" and slashes Chaos with the help of Ron. Gabranth then slashes Ron, but didn't put him out of action. Ron counter attacks Gabranth and sent him flying, crashing Cefca at the same time.

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Gasping for breath, Kyohaku woke up. Not knowing where he was, he looked around him. "What the hell?" On one side was a set of people wearing black cloaks, and on the other side was a distorted parade of figures. "I need to prepare; I'm lucky I wasn't caught in the bloodshed." He ran toward the side of the hooded figures.

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Ron then suddenly thought: "Wait.. I feel that I have a new skill coming to me! Haha!!" and attained a new skill: Dark Lightning. From where Kyohaku is, he used Dark Lightning on Chaos and immediately perished him, moving on to his Second Phase.


-Chaos' HP (Second Phase): 100000000-

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"God...he torments me. He is a part of my mind. God, I can't believe that I have to resort to this." Stabbing himself in his right arm vein, blood spurted out. "Prepare." Suddenly, the wound disappeared and was replaced by a patch of scales. It started to spread, slowly engulfing him in a crimson flurry. When the scales engulfed him completely, he suddenly started to grow. His hind legs getting bigger and his arms getting smaller, at the same time, rising. His mouth extended to a beak; his teeth was sharp as the reaper's scythe. He grew wings on his back, big enough to lift him in the air and glide. In succession, he became a living ruby dragon.

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OoC: Grr.. WHY isn't anyone active!? Read the damn rules! BUMP!


IC: Nick grabbed the Pheonix Down and used it on Ron, then Ron set the curse by releasing dark gold aura, which froze the whole world except for his allies. Xemnas said: "What happened? Maybe it's the Curse of The One Winged Angel.." Ron said to Xemnas: "Yeah, it is.. Watch!" and then disappears, and then reappears behind Chaos, putting half the Final Fantasy antagonists out of action. He unfroze the world and kneeled on one knee. Ron said: "What!? I used this much power on this one curse? Impossible!" and goes for Chaos, while the Organization XIII deals with the antagonists.

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OoC: It's alright. You can help invite a few people for me though. That'll keep this RP active for once! >.<


IC: Ron said: "ARGH! Too many people! I can't deal with all of them my-- Huh?" and then releases his old favourite skill, Sonic Power. That separates all the enemies and allies into different places, except for Ron and Chaos, who stayed at the same place.


-Ron's HP: 19%-


-Chaos' HP (Second Phase): 1-


Ron wakes up and finds that he and Chaos are in the same place as each other. He never gave up and said: "That's it! You're done for!" and used Dark Lightning to perish Chaos, moving on to his Third Phase.


-Chaos' HP (Third Phase): 200000000-


EDIT: Ugh, It's no use.. I think I'll need to lock this, AGAIN! Too many inactive people.. *cries* I think I'll need to re-make another one.. :( Why won't people help me when we're near the damn end!?

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