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[Contest] who can build the best Virus deck?

dead draw

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[align=center]deck must include:




it can only include cards released in the TCG

and it must abide to the current banned list

winner gets 2 reps and 50 points

most original deck gets 1 rep

I will accept entries untill Saturday, April 18

happy building![/align]

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Monsters: 20

3x Van'Dalgyon

2x Caius


3x Gravekeeper's Spy

2x Gravekeeper's Assailant

2x GK Spear Soldier

3x GK Comandant

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Sangan

3x Mystic Tomato


Spells: 8

3x Necrovalley

2x MST, Trunade

1x Brain Control

2x Burden of the Mighty


Traps: 12

5x Viruses

3x Solemn

2x Divine Wrath

2x Rite of Spirit


May change later.

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3 king of the skull servants

3 the lady in wight

3 skull servant

3 zombie master

1 mezuki

2 goblin zombie

3 armageddon knight

1 sangan



3 book of life

1 reborn

1 lightning vortex

2 foolish burial

1 cosr

2 allure

1 dd burial

1 heavy

1 mst



3 graceful revival

5 viruses



deck 40


use the varying attack powers of skull servants to infect them with viruses.

simultaneously beating them down with skulls.

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Drain'd Virus Swap


Monsters: 19

3x Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast

3x Ryu Kokki


3x Mystic Tomato

1x Sangan

3x Giant Germ

3x Pyramid Turtle

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

2x Grave Squirmer


Spells: 13

3x Creature Swap

3x Mystic Box

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystic Tomato

1x Giant Trunade

3x Burden of the Mighty

1x Brain Control


Traps: 8

1x Cursh Card Virus

2x Epicdemic Eradicator Virus

2x Deck Devostation Virus

3x Skill Drain


Extra Deck:


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Summoned Skull Virus:


( 17 )

3 Summoned Skull

2 Puppet Master

2 Doom Shaman

2 Blazewing Butterfly

2 Mystic Tomato

2 Armageddon Knight

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Sangan

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Spirit Reaper


( 15 )

3 Swing of Memories

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Hand Destruction (ditch Skull, Shaman, Blazewing etc.)

2 Makiu the Magical Mist

1 Card of Safe Return

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

1 Future Fusion

1 Brain Control

1 Card Destruction


( 8 )

2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast




1 Torrential Tribute



14 Generic Synchros

1 Superalloy Beast Raptinus


Blazewing serves an important purpose: The play "Swing -> Shaman -> Gemini Summon -> Rez Skull" Causes both to die in the end phase, leaving no time for the 2 to be tributed off by the viruses. However, the play "Swing -> Blazewing -> Gemini Summon -> Tribute for Shaman -> Rez Skull" causes both Skull and Shaman to stay on the field during the end phase ^^

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Skill Drain Virus Beatdown


Monsters: 20


3x Beastking Barbaros

3x Fusilier Dragon

2x Giant Kozaky

3x Giant Orc

3x Zombyra the Dark

3x Mask of Darkness

2x Cat of Ill Omen

1x Sangan


Spells: 10


3x Burden of the Mighty

2x Allure

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

1x Trunade


Traps: 11


1x CCV

2x DDV

2x EEV

3x Solemn

3x Reckless Greed

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