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Marvel, stop trying to be professional when you're not. Neiter am I, but you don't understand this tag itself.


The tag seems a little boring. The colors don't match and I think the cars are stealing the focal.


Needs some more work Omni ;D

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Oooh' date=' Omni, I just thought of something. Teh sky's white. Maybe add a sun and clouds and crap.



Just a suggestion =']


Would be hard. The sun will be small enough to stay in that area, though I will have to erase to blend. But thanks anyway =).


too sharp


Yes I do know' date=' I will have to blur the background soon.[/size']


Marvel' date=' stop trying to be professional when you're not. Neiter am I, but you don't understand this tag itself.


The tag seems a little boring. The colors don't match and I think the cars are stealing the focal.


Needs some more work Omni ;D[/quote']


Cars aren't stealing anything. They have a motion blur on then which makes them moving & ignorable. Colors do match actually as said by many people on different forums. =) At least you tried to CnC.

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