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Avatar the last air bender RP (all avatar spots filled!!)

Angel Of Death

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Element control all elements for avatars only:Fire

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Although he is in the Fire Nation, he is kind and intelligent. He is calmer than any warrior and hates the warriors and soilders of the Fire Nation that kills the other elements. He hides as a soldier uin the Fire nation's army and help those in need. He is, of course, allied with the other elements...

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Alex opened his eyes, he had took a nap on the soft green grass. Then he looked at the blue sky, the birds were calmly chirping and he stood up. He thought he had heard people talking, so he took a look, he took in a deep breath and looked at the trees. He was in a forest, then he walked out to meet Jake and Aang "Welcome..." he said, in a calm voice, scaring them.

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