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Soul Eater: Tales of Lost Souls


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Kid: (waling up to the school and smiles at the sight) ahhhhh....such lovely symmetry, honorable father has kept it perfect all these years


Liz: feels pretty nice to be back


Kid: that it does, come let us go see father again


Patti: let's go go go!


Nero: (looks at Chris oddly and thinks) he's bored?! (Nero stops fighting) ok then i guess

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Nero: (smiles a bit) and maybe you aren't such a prick after all (scratches the back of his head) sry for uh....snapping at you like that


Kid: don't wry, we'll be fine, i am a shinigami after-all, Liz! Patti! let's go!


Liz: right


Patti: Kay! (the trio walks up the stairs)


Elena: so what do we do when we want to take a mission? just go out and do it?

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Stein: (sees Chris walking away) you do know you two are the only to that haven't passed yet right? everyone else has passed and Kankin and Samantha are on a mission by Shinigami-sama, so that just leaves you two


Nero: (gets up) we never did kick your ass did we?

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Nero: and you're still a jerk, but......(transforms into the yamato and goes to Chris's hand) we're stuck together


Stein: then let's end this lesson (Stein runs towards them)


Nero: watch for the soul wavelength blasts (suddenly Liz Patti Kid Kankin and Samantha appear on the steps to see the battle)


Kid: it appears we're just in time for the action


Elena: right! (follows Zeke to the exit)

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Kid: (to Kankin) you don't know who that is do you? Stein-hakase is this schools greatest techtision, i can't even defeat him, and just be paitent (eyes sparkle) we can enjoy the symmetry that much more


Liz: (sweatdrops) you never stop do you?


Patti: ehehehehahahahaha!!!


(Stein dodges the blow to the left and goes for a kick on the right) Nero: (to Chris) use me to block on the right


Elena: (gets to the entrance with Zeke and sees the fight going on) whoa, guess they aren't done yet...

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Stein: (grabs the blade with his hand, blood trickles down his wound) any closer and that could've hit my heart....impressive (suddenly Stein forces the blade down and pulls Chris in, he lands a punch to the boys face and sends the duo backwards) but not good enough


Nero: you alright?


Kid: still as impressive as before (thinks) but there's something about this team...

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Stein: (grabs his foot) fool (fires a wavelength into him and blasts him back to where he was) tsk tsk...you still don't get it do you?




Liz: you ok Kid?


Patti: what's wrong Kid-kun?


Elena: that's gotta hurt...


Nero: (turns into a human and gets up, looks at Chris)........ (glares at Stein) that's it! (transforms his arm and runs full speed at him)


(Nero takes a slash but Stein ducks and goes for a kick, Nero jumps back and goes for a kick of his own that Stein blocks Nero brings his arm down and slashes the techtician, Stein dodges by inches and punches Nero back as well, the weapon staggers but runs towards him again)

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Kid: honorable father is having a meeting of the shinigami's and death sythes of the world, however he can't begin unless all are here, and i am not the last to arrive, we're not missing anything


Nero: (becoming tired) don't you....ever freakin...stand still?


Stein: don't you know when to quit? (Nero ran at him again, he aimed for a punch but Stein grabbed his fist and threw him a side) Chris...hate to say it, but from here looks like your weapon is doing all the work, don't tell me you're too weak to weild him as a weapon

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