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I just remembered about the existense of this card :) (I know is banned)




I confess that I don't see the broken part of this card.... maybe its harder for me to understand old OCG or w/e


just discuss card ....also, what can you do with it (what did people do with it before and what could you do with it now with the new cards that have come out sinse the banning of tihs one)


is it still broken?

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Instant and skilless +1. One of the most banworthy cards ever created. This was broken when it was created and is still broken now.


im sure this is a +0' date=' a very good one, but a +0 at any rate



Actually I think it's a -1, since you lose a monster, lose this card, and Special Summon a monster from your Deck. -1 -1 +1

Still, that's not enough to unban it.

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no the effect is activated to a -1, the card itself is a +0


plus that -1 could be the tributing of a treeborn frog, or the tribbing of a sangan, or the tributing of an exiled force, in all honesty i dont think anyone would use this in the conjunction of a -1, only +0 things like what ive stated

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Why do people ask if something is still broken? No matter how much the meta changes the card's effect will always be the same and seeing how it's the same broken effect it had when it was banned' date=' it should remain banned.



sorry for asking then -.- I'm just giving a topic to disscuss here..


@ everyone:

at the moment you activate, its a -1. Then, when a monster is sent to the Graveyard is a +0, sinse you are not getting rid of the monster yourself by means of this card, you are loosing the monster normally through other means (just that this benefits from it). And lastly, it can be a +1 (I guess) if you tribute something like sangan...


Now the reason I was asking, I saw emergency teleport quite often in the past meta... at 3.. sure the posibilities of Emergency Teleport are limited to Psychics (lolintent of making it situasional).. but its a quick play unlike this card... doesn't that help more in some way?.. you can sort of compare the 2 cards......(I'm pretty sure about half of what I just said is going to get backfired at me sometime in the future but... ammuse me while I make this pathetic intent of playing devil's advocate here...)

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OMG I can't believe you don't think this card is broken' date=' just look up on google last will strategy you'll see![hr']

[email protected]


When I said "playing devil's advocate" means: I may sound too convinced but I'm just playing a role.. I may not actually believe what I'm saying..If I actaully agreed with unbanning it, I wouldn't have said that.....


why don't you mension some combos specifically? that's what I want people to post....


is there a reason to give your mail in a comment?

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