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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Pain of War llStartedll (No longer accepting)


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Retribution entered and bar and when up to the bartender, "I am looking for Don." the bartender reacts quickly, “I don't know a man named Don Miceal!" Retribution was calm, “I never said his last name, Why do you humans have to lie." a clone of Retribution appeared out of Retribution and jumpped behind the bartender and it spoke, “Know are you going to tell me the truth, or do I have to put this knife in your back and out your chest?”

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Oi, he said that I can join in a PM.



Username: Freeshooter

Name: Lyle Nosse

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Note: He DOES wear a shirt


Alchemist/Humonculos/Soldier/Outlaw etc.: Alchemist

Alignment State Alchemist/Ordinary Person etc: Ordinary Person

Alchemist (Optional) Type of Alchemy: Dark Matter

Other: Nothing, but thanx for the invite.

Bio (Must be 4 sentences): Lyle has always been an odd person, by odd I mean acting strange and dabbling in sciences that even an seasoned scientist would dare not experiment. The study of what is called "Dark Matter". He treats Dark Matter as a living thing, although he knows it's not. His renown is not widespread, but it is known well where it is known at all.

RP Example: You've seen me RP many times over, do I need to put this?



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--True enough X, True enough.


Lyle walked through Central Station, as he was going on a vacation from being in Ishbal. "So, this is what Central looks like?" He looked around curiously, as if looking for something important. "It's gone..." Lyle said, sounding distressed. "Ah well, no use dwelling on the past. I think I'll go look around." Lyle said to himself, he then started walking out of the station only to see a beautiful city, with lush plantlife, and busy streets. Lyle then broke out into a huge grin and laughed hilariously.

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The bartender got off his seat:"All i know is that he is a State Alchemist, but he is hated by them." Retribution eye rose, “After all the years i known him, i never knew that, i thought he was just a normal killer, not a killer for the state. Thanks!" the coppy he made moved back in to his body, and wallked out the door.

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Ron was walking to the State Alchemist building in the center of Central to run one last thing to do and so was Retribution. Retribution was planning before had as he made 2 copies, “You know what to do. Make sure he can’t escape. If he is there he will die, with the filth. “

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Brandon went to a sweet shop. The manager came in. "Welcome traveller. what would you like?" the manager said as he waited for the order. "How about 3 bags of chocolate please?" "coming right up" After a couple of minutes, the manager came in with 3 small bags with some chocolate bars. Brandon hadned him the money and walked out. "I love chocolate."

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Chris was at his house as he opens the door. "Well time to rest." When Chris got into the door a guard runs up to him. The guard tells Chris. "A evil alchemist is running through the city, he is the stone alchemist." Chris closed the door behind him as he went to the soldier. "Well fine let us find him."

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Sub-Zero wakes up in the park. "Well, I better go back to my house. People will start to wonder where I am. Plus I have to feed my cat." Sub-Zero goes to his house and feeds his cat, but gets interrupted by a knock at his door. Sub-Zero opens it to find a guard. "State Alchemist Sub-Zero, we have need of your services. There is an evil alchemist running around Central. He is the Stone Alchemist. We have sent State Alchemist Chris to investigate, but we would like you to join him." Sub-Zero finishes feeding his cat. "Alright then, would you be so kind as to bring me to Chris's location?" Sub-Zero and the guard go to find Chris.

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