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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Pain of War llStartedll (No longer accepting)


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"Here, take so Senko-Leafes," Rose handed Brandon a small bag of Senko-Leafes "when heated, they make a liquid like Oil, so you can fiq the hinges of the gears and make it run smoother" she added as her Cat: Whiskers, jumped down from the roof and sat on Brandons head "... sorry about him, he... well i kinda addopeted him from the streets..." she walked over to Brandon and took Whiskers off his head "so i don't know much about him yet... Do you know the time?"[/php]

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Brandon started to lock up the shop and found Rose's diary on the floor. "Strange. 'Kiichi." Minokiichi looked at his master. "I want you to follow Rose and give her back her diary." Minokiichi grabbed the diary and tried to carry it, but it was too heavy. He dropped the book and decided to follow Rose.

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OoC: It nawt spamz, I tellz you abowt mah nomz!!!


Sub-Zero walked through the park as darkness fell. "Yawn..." Sub-Zero checks his State Alchemist Pocket Watch. "It's getting late. I'd better get back to my house, but I'm not feeling like that right now." Sub-Zero falls asleep on a park bench.

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