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Coin Toss Deck

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OK Im building a coin toss/Beatdown type of deck. This is it so far.



Invader of Darkness (given to me by a close friend 4 free, not coming out)

Slate Warrior

Blade Knight

Barrel Dragon

Blowback Dragon

Time Wizard

Abyss Soldier

Asura Priest

Penguin Solder x3

Mad-Sword Beast

Mataza the Zapper

Sasuke Samurai #4


Mask of Darkness

Morphing Jar

Magician of Faith

Spirit Reaper

Spear Dragon

Exiled Force

Man-eater Bug x3


Total Monsters: 25


Spell Cards

Axe of Despair

Card Destruction

Premature Burial

Swords of Revealing Light


Second Coin Toss x3

Brain Control

Heavy Storm

Malevolent Nuzzler x3


Tribute to the Doomed x2

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Total Spell Cards: 18


Trap Cards


Horn of Heaven

Call of the haunted

Shadow Spell

Spellbinding circle

Trap Hole

Magic Drain

Total Traps: 8


What should I put in?

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