Signosis Posted April 13, 2009 Report Share Posted April 13, 2009 Jo coughed the dirt from her lungs, looking apologetically at Urahara. She then watched Yachi, giggling. "A gateway back to Seretei? Why does that seem familiar? Ah, Jo-san, forgive me for being so rude." She blushed at least three shades of red as he kissed her hand. "Ah..don't worry about it, Urahara-san." Jo mumbled as she followed him...snatching the hat from Yachiru and putting it on her own head. She grinned up at her and blew a rasberry at her, Yachiru doing the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4tutoralcom Posted April 13, 2009 Report Share Posted April 13, 2009 ooc:mind if i join. Character's First and Last Name: Onie Kabme Character's Image: Character's Zanpaktou Name:Seishi Kuro and Seishi Shiro Character's Statistics (Known Kidou, and level, etc.):Bakudo without :99Hado:90Hado with:99 no lever Kidou:>Jikanteishi Kukanten'i Kyomon Hanki <: Bio:he looks like he is 49 but he is 645 spent mot of his life in the Hueco Mundo training his power to use all of the known Kidou spells,by studding the people that use them threw a Garganta gate. his sword combat skill is extremely poor. he almost never plus out his Zanpakuto to fight. but he can use a Kidou 10 or lower spell as many times as a persons can swing there sword before he gets tired. then 100 years before the attack he came to the soul society as the head of the research and development. He always stays with his word Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HelioSpark Posted April 13, 2009 Report Share Posted April 13, 2009 Rai peered out around the corner of the building. The smell of smoke filled the air as he listened intently for any sounds in the wrecked structure. "Rrraaaaaaggghh" The swarm of small, bat-like hollows came swooping towards him from the rafters. He drew his zanpaktou. "Storm, GaleKnife!" his shikai easily blew the hollows away, but he knew they would be followed by more. He had to get moving. The rest of his team had scattered, overwhelmed in a suprise attack. He had no idea where they were. All he knew was that he had to get away from wherever he was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
..:Grimmjow:.. Posted April 13, 2009 Report Share Posted April 13, 2009 Ukitake: Gotta Grow...Togheter...Litsening to that advice, Ukitake starts thinking wat that might mean Ukitake: I have to Grow with my Zanpakto! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Zaraki landed with a thud atop a ragged building, which groaned beneath his heavy feet. "This ain't gonna hold much longer," he said observing the tumbling pieces of concrete beneath him. ". . .Galeknife!" A handful of hollow were blown away, and towards the upper level of the ragged structure, just enough to spot Zaraki, but unlucky enough to challenge him. "Oi! Rai! Get your ass out here!" He swiftly diced through the bat-like hollow, or so he thought. "Hm?" Their remnants did not disperse, like the death of a normal hollow, but instead remained, and floated high out of reach. "What the hell?" Meanwhile. . . Urahara had came to a dead end, and claimed "here we are," as Yachiru looked at him perplexed. "Oh! I see it!" she said. Yachiru ran head long into the wall, and broke it down, spinning to the floor afterwards. "What a rush!" she said. Urahara gave her a hand clap, and petted her head in a ridiculous compliance. "You know,Yachiru-san, I could've just moved it out of the way." Urahara snapped his fingers, as the wall rebuilt itself and closed behind Yachiru and Jo. "Ladies, I must say, that because you're ahead of the others, you may have to experiment here, as my previous opening to the Seretei, has been utterly destroyed." He led them to two small tube like structures, attached to a rounded, dark, metallic gate. Against a console, he pressed a few buttons and the rounded metallic gate began to swirl. "Step inside the tubes please. And whatever you do, don't scream." He gave them both a daring look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
..:Grimmjow:.. Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 "Hmmm" Ukitake fights practice targets around him releasing his inner energy"WAY OF DESTRUCTION 90" Ukitake attacks all the targets around him. FUMB! "Wat the HELL" A hollow comes to attack Ukitake, apparently a Menos. The Menos attacks Ukitake releasing him all the way to fall. "Oh Crap.." Ukitake trys to attack but the Menos attacks again. "URAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Spirit Energy comes towards Utikate then proceeding with a word he never said before "Bankai". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HelioSpark Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Rai ran away as fast as he could, still suprised and relieved by Zaraki's arrival.He could still feel the presence of the hollows. "I hope Kenpachi will be ok...." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
..:Grimmjow:.. Posted April 14, 2009 Report Share Posted April 14, 2009 Ukitake cuts the Menos in half, then proceeds to where Zaraki is. "Hey Yachiru,Zaraki" Ukitake says still in Bankai. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4tutoralcom Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 OOC:Forgot he acepted me in the Club, at least i think that is what it means. Onie was in his home in the Hueco Mundo waking up, it was ,"That is strange usually some hollows are attacking this place by know. I wonder what they are doing." every day around this time a group of hollows tries to attack his fortress, but they can never get past his security. witich is why he has to use a Garganta to get out of his house, because he wasnts the Hollows to die by his sucrity system so he can exparement on them, if he attacked there woudl be nothing left. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 "Ukitake," Zaraki said greeting his ever so late friend. "I'll fill you in on details later. Right now, I have to gather the lot of ya, and bring ya all to see Urahara-sempai. Drop what you're up to and find Onie," Zaraki said vanishing. Meanwhile. . . With swift movements, and flick of wrist, Urahara gave an incantation never brought about for centruies. "Dark Art, Number 33. Gate Guardian!" He moved his feet swiftly in rapid, winding motions, creating a jagged circle before Yachiru and Jo. What appeared to be chains, had now wrapped themselves in an everlasting shadow which had cast itself across the entire room. A hot, ragged breath burst forward from the chained shadow. A heavy set figure now formed in these bondings, roaring with pride. With no sense of direction, it ran blindly towards Jo and Yachiru, dragging it's ragged tail and chains behind it. Abruptly it stopped in front of the gate, and began to listen intently for any sort of movement or sound. Urahara motioned towards it, holding his palm forward to calm the raging beast, facing him. "Greetings Dura-san. I need a gate from you after these 1000 years." Dura moved his head violently around, trying to find another being with himself and Urahara. Luckily, Urahara had signaled Jo and Yachiru not to move or make noise. "Or it would be the end of them," he thought. "Urahara," Dura said in a possessed tone. His deep, dark voice echoed, like the empty belly of a canyon. "Why should I grant you the ability to travel worlds? To Seretei, where those of my seed have claimed victory?" Urahara grinned. "Because Dura, I intend to regain Seretei by myself, and return it to it's former glory." Dura gave a denying grunt. "I will grant you passage Urahara, but at an enormous cost. . ." Dura made his way to the metallic gate between Jo and Yachiru, and raised his long, heavy, and sharp fingers. On each end, was a key like symbol, which he inserted into the swirling passage. "This passage, as to your agreement, will last until your death. Because only then will you be able to fulfill your end of the agreement. Hahahaha!" Dura clawed open an empty black void, and crawled his way inside. "Until then Urahara!" Dura vanished, and the void with him, as Urahara collapsed. "Jo, Yachiru." he said panting. "The gate is open. You will be ready to depart soon." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duckmasta2020 Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 I couldn't really decide on who I wanted to do so I'll go with Kira. Character's First and Last Name:Kira Izuru Character's Image: It's Kira,must I say more? Character's Zanpaktou Name: Wabisuke Character's Statistics (Known Kidou, and level, etc.): #73 Bakudo Tozansho, #58 Hado Tenran, and some healing Kido. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 I couldn't really decide on who I wanted to do so I'll go with Kira. Character's First and Last Name:Kira Izuru Character's Image: It's Kira' date='must I say more? Character's Zanpaktou Name: Wabisuke Character's Statistics (Known Kidou, and level, etc.): #73 Bakudo Tozansho, #58 Hado Tenran, and some healing Kido.[/quote'] That's acceptable. You can post right away. =D ~Kenpachi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Takashi sighed impatiently as he sat on a tall, rock. He jumped off and walked towards to Zaraki. He was late, obviously but atleast he was there. "Well, since my horrible memory still has hold over me, what are we doing here exactly?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Zaraki stood impatiently, noticing Takashi already in wait for him at Urahara's shop. "We're waiting for Urahara-sempai, Jo, and Yachiru to return. But that can come later." Zaraki gave Takashi a glare. "Have you learned your bankai yet?" He hadn't fought a fun battle in quite some time, so there's no need to get rusty right? "Since we'll be waiting for some time, I suggest we get training. There'll be no mercy comin' from those hollow when we arrive back into Seretei." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Takashi smirked, with an obvious look of fright on his face. "Yes, yes I did." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Signosis Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Jo watched Yachiru run headfirst into the wall, and then collapse. Jo tried her best not giggle and laugh, but helped her up, then out of boredom (even though this had her super curious to the point where she wanted to run around and touch everything) she picked her up bridal style. Instantly Yachiru began to complain, but Jo put her face close to hers, whispering, "Shh...the man's on a roll." "Ladies, I must say, that because you're ahead of the others, you may have to experiment here, as my previous opening to the Seretei, has been utterly destroyed." "Yaay, we're guinea pigs." Jo murmured, sarcasm lacing her voice."Step inside the tubes please. And whatever you do, don't scream." Jo stared at Urahara for a moment, but obidently placed Yachiru in one tube, and herself in the other, letting out one last question. "What if we do!?" She watched Urahara perform an incantation, but couldn't place it as she watched the jagged circle form around them. Jo continued to watch as a shadow began to form, and then start running towards them. Jo opened her mouth to scream, but her hand, as if possessed, placed itself in her mouth, gagging her scream. Jo bit down on it, hard, as to not continue to scream. The beast look at her for a moment, staring hard...but looked away as Urahara spoke to it. It was as if her ears were switched off...all she could hear was this ringing noise. What were they saying..?It wasn't until the beast had come between Jo and Yachiru is where she could clearly hear it. "This passage, as to your agreement, will last until your death. Because only then will you be able to fulfill your end of the agreement. Hahahaha!" It disappeared into the void, and finally free of the tubes, she ran out to Urahara. "Urahara-san!" She skidded to a halt and kneeled beside him. "The gate is open. You will be ready to depart soon." "But..! Will you be okay..?" Jo murmured, staring at him worried, her hands gripping his yukata. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 ((Right, to help you continue...)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Urahara forced a smile. "I'll be fine. Go and report to Zaraki, and have him report to me, as quickly as possible. It's very urgent." Urahara's breathing was labored. It was if the life had been sucked out of him. Yachiru hugged Urahara tightly and said, "I'll get Ken-chan. Come Jo-jo!" Yachiru darted back into the wall, crashing it down again. Outside, Zaraki was speaking with Takashi. "Ken-chan!" She hopped furiously onto his shoulders, waving her arms rapidly, trying to explain what happened. ". . . and while I was in the tube-thingy, I was like 'Duuuude!'" Zaraki chuckled. "Whoa little lady. Why don't we let Jo explain?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 ((XD)) Takashi sighed thankfully as Yachiru came back. He was saved, for today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Zaraki listened carefully as Jo explained. "Okay, I'll go and see Urahara in a moment. TAKASHI!" He gave Takashi a devilish grin. "Don't think I forgot about you. I'll be back," he said walking to the alley way, which was waiting for Yachiru's crashing head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Takashi sighed and put his hands up in defeat. "I accept my death..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Yachiru didn't get to bash through the wall as she pleased this time, because the wall had not rebuilt itself. As they entered, the wall closed behind them; Yachiru scoffed at the teasing wall. "Urahara-sempai. What happened here?" Zaraki asked helping Urahara to his feet. Urahara greeted Zaraki with a shaky hand. "Dura was here. And. . ." Urahara whispered into Zaraki's ear, to explain what happened. "Urahara-sempai! Why would you do such a thing?" Zaraki turned to the glowing gate. "Thank you," Zaraki said shaking his hand once more. "Yachiru! Place a protection seal around the gate!" Zaraki commanded. Yachiru responded immediately, as Zaraki headed back outside. "Where's Byakuya when ya need 'em?" he wondered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Takashi smirked to that. "Probably out..." He didn't finish the sentence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad Posted April 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 "Takashi. I need your help. I want ya to go in and help out Urahara. He's sickly now, and can't do much, so he needs us." Zaraki pointed to the back alley. "And thanks a head of time." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted April 15, 2009 Report Share Posted April 15, 2009 Takashi sighed and nodded. "Right, well then, I'm off." He headed towards Urahara. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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