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Dragon Guard - The 1st Trial

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He passed some lushious woods, well they where lushious before Dracul walked through them. he now stood at the bottom of a large palace, he looked at his dragon who nodded and disappeared into a puff of flames.


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Dracul stopped, he stood there, his evil glare widened and a small blue dragon appeared before him, it was cute it smiled, Dracul laughed as the dragon shot up in flames and fell to the floor, roasted. He picked it up and shoved it in his mouth, with his sharp teeth he ripped the head off the dragon and chewed it up, he then threw the dragon's body on the floor and spat next to it.

He then walked towards the palace...


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Dracul approached the guards and walked up to one of them, he simply squared up to the guard and looked into his eyes, testing his mind, if he was weak minded he'd fall straight to the floor. Dracul was cruel and loved doing this.


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[align=center]Kiel grips his head and falls down as if in pain

Kiel's thoughts: That presence... It's filled with hatred...

Kiel stands up and raised his staff

kiel: begone!

A shimmering light emits out of the staff and light hands grip Akor and Dracul squeezing them[/align]

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OOC: Woah, eww. Soccer Field Sized explosions, no harm by getting coated by fire, and auto-hitting? BrokenHeart15. You are God Moding. Not cool. You aren't superman. You also can't just, hit someone. RP's only work if both people have reaction time.

OOC: JZ, if I can make a suggestion, I would: A) Disregard everything Cody and Broken do if all they do is Post and Run, and B) Give a list of every bad guy, and let the regular posters play some of them. You are playing more than half the roles and it does nothing but confuse me, personally. We can't read your mind.

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OOC: GM? Have you seen mr hit and run, i'm being practical. Laso, Panik is over 1000 years old, how long do you think he would've had time to hone and strengthen is skills? Also, what kind of armour doe she have? Cardboard?


IC: Panik caught sight of the angel after he stopped attacking Kiel. 'Those two mean nothing to me, but you angel, seem a greater prize. It's not often that one would be able to wound Lord Jazeth, as well as his pride. Your skull will make a fine chalice' he mocked.

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OOC: GM? Have you seen mr hit and run' date=' i'm being practical. Laso, Panik is over 1000 years old, how long do you think he would've had time to hone and strengthen is skills? Also, what kind of armour doe she have? Cardboard?


IC: Panik caught sight of the angel after he stopped attacking Kiel. 'Those two mean nothing to me, but you angel, seem a greater prize. It's not often that one would be able to wound Lord Jazeth, as well as his pride. Your skull will make a fine chalice' he mocked.



OOC: Uh, yeah. You DO god mod. You are like an unstoppable force. You act like you can do ANYTHING. I let people react. You destroy towns. NO. You can not be hurt by all this crap people do to you. NO. Hitting EVERY TIME! BIG NO! I have half a mind to neg you. But I won't because I am nice and I show mercy. Don't do anymore god modding or I will neg you. Do it again, and I will neg you and report you. Understand that you can't do everything. Realize your mistakes, don't do them again, and be realistic. I and everyone else would appreciate that. Follow those steps and you will be fine :D


Michael: "Something doesn't seem right." He said as he followed Josep

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OOC: Serenade has been an Angel for about, say.... 4000 years. She's still vulnerable to FIRE. So shut your mouth, Mr. I can cripple a man, destroy a town and travel across the world in half a post.

OOC: Lol. I've been spectating the RP for some time. Not bad, but it could use work. I felt my word was needed here. XD

OOC: Not to spam the thread or anything.

OOC: Hey JZ, Serenade's been bugging me since this RP started to join and I haven't been around, mind if I throw down an App? I could play some of those roles your doing, because frankly, your playing too many...plus I just want Majoras there because there are no Phoenixes here, and that's just wrong.

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OOC:Holy french toast! I'm gone for one prom and this happens? Well, to start things off, Majoras you may join, because I am finding things hectic, Serenade, thank you for the suggestions, I'll post a list of some of the bad guys but I will need help with the other royal family members, Cody, you really are just a drive-by character....,Broken, now that I think about it, I myself have never hurt you, you do need to give other characters a chance.Your power is respected by demon's around the world, but even your not invincible(you'll see soon enough with the Dragon King, and Jazeth at 50% power, Awesome, I want to thank you for keeping peace while I'm gone. That is all from the Dark Lord JZ, Let the RPing commence!....once everyone returns....

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Dracul remained standing there, the attention seeking feeble dragon had left, now he'd see what this place was all about.

He walked up towards the front door a large extravogent door, and, for some reason, he knocked, three hard bellowing knocks...


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OOC: Okay, I MAY have been going a little overboard, but I can justify this by the fact I'm pretty much the only non-JZ evil that poses a threat, which is tough when facing at least 4 people simultaneously. But I'll tone it down alright, happy now?

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