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Dragon Guard - The 1st Trial

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[align=justify][/align]Kiel: i am searching for joseph to bring sad news; the great elvish city of Greiz was destroyed by the dragons and we are in grave need of assistance. i am 1 of 3 known survivors, and i come on a long jorney to ask you this

kiel gets on his knees (which is a total sign of respect )

kiel: will you help us?

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[At the Dragon Kings Chambers The King stares at Panik...one of his loyal, yet estranged servants.]


Drago: Varate, so me ke no Akurei, key rete le nok, Mendre so Jazeth(Stand, you are most noble young Demon, but I don't want you to kill him, Keep an eye on Jazeth instead) Sense lo acki mes wor(his current actions worry Us) nos De! paik rek de las Komde(Now go! and do as commanded!)


[Meanwhile Josep begins walking through the halls as he remembers his times there as a child, If there was anyone who could make him laugh it was Ryuji]


Josep: So where could he be?(Ryuji stands behind him)

Mina:What about behind you?

Josep:huh?(he turns around but Ryuji has leapt in the air hanging on the ceiling)I see nothing

Mina: uh...Josep-Sama...he's...(Ryuji motions her to keep quiet) nevermind...

Josep:Mina, are you okay? you're seeing things....(Ryuji pounces him as he screams)

Ryuji:OHAIYO MINNASAN! Welcome to my Palace!

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Panik bows. 'I understand of course my lord. Although, his actions are not without reason. He has been stained with a loss to an angel, which, owuld hurt most people. I will do as you command my lord' he swore and bowed once more and left. His cape blowing slightly in a non-wind. 'My lord grows troubled as well, I wonder, what this means in the entirety of being?' Panik thought.

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Panik had appeared outside the city Josep was in. 'Forgive me, my lord' he said. Panik raised his hand and a sphere of darkness begins to form. It grows tot he size of a base ball when he throws it up over the wall of the city. It generates a small, soccer field sized explosion.

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OOC:We're in Ryuji's palace, We were supposed to have a civilized meeting but unfortunately we're being attacked, by the ever fleeing Arkor. I'm actually pretty lost myself though and I can't get the plot to fit in with the random attacks(considering Brokenheart and Cody leave as soon as I try anything....) But bear with me, you should get Dracul around here somewhere, I need to organize this battle plan against The Dragon King.

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