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Dragon Guard - The 1st Trial

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[align=center]A cloaked figure with a scarf covering his neck and face grabbed Kiel by his boot and dragged him off to a large menacing tower.

Kiel: Uhg what the- hey! Put me down now!!

???: Screw you bud. I'm gonna get me muny for you elfses worth lots and lots of muny

Kiel: Stupid orc

???: wot yoo cawl me?

Kiel: Stupid orc

the mysterous orc grabbed his axe and slashed, but keil blocked with his bow

Kiel: Bliesh miel-koiev!!

a burst of light came from his bow as he pulled his string back, blinding the orc. He kicked it in the head and crushed his skull with his staff

Kiel: stupid orc...[/align]

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Meanwhile at Arkor's cave he is thinking about who his family were.


He smashes up everything in his cave and sheds a tear, then quickly turns round to make sure nobody saw. He Screams then begins to fly towards dracol (Just cause he saw you)

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[align=center]Kiel runs off into the woods and closes his eyes.

Keil: Fier faaol (This spell shows him were the closest people with good intentions are)

Kiel: Found some... I just may help them on their quest...

Kiel sits down to think


Kiel: I'm going to help!

Kiel starts walking and comes upon a burnt area

Kiel: What the he- who's that

Kiel sees a strange man set ablaze. He has a dark aura around him... Kiel puts his hood as to cover his eyes and he also puts on a bandanna around him face so only his eyes are showing.

Kiel wisperes: Diquieza

Kiel's clothes turn a dark color and his good aura is turned into bad aura

ooc: He used magic to cloak his goodness...[/align]

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OOC:Wow...I'm actually lost...and this is my RP.....okay, time to add some plot.


Raico: How much longer till we arrive?(on his chariot waiting to get to the Dragon's Palace) I'm sure Father is anxious to see me....

Servant girl:we'll be there soon sir...another grape?

Raico:no...I'm not in the mood for fruit.....(he stares at her intently....yes, he's is that much of a jerk)how old are you?

Servant Girl: I'm......I'm 19....(she's pretty sure what's coming next)

Jazeth:Leave the girl alone Raico....you know it's a bad image to mate with Slaves....

Raico: always ruining my fun, eh little brother....

Jazeth: I'm making sure no controversy befalls your royal arse. It's bad enough we have one brother against us...This family can't take much more.....

Servant girl(relieved) we're here master....

Raico: good, I'm sure father will be excited to see us....

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Raico: Father....(he bows)

Jazeth(he bows as well)


The Dragon King, a large and powerfule being sits on his large elaborate throne his aura so massive the Throne was built for the purpose of draining him of energy....yet his voice booms like thunder even with reduced Power. He refuses to speak in the Human's language


Dragon King: (completely unseen, but felt and heard for miles) Vorek no sen dai le? Makara nok de Sai de Josep?


Raico: I'm sorry Father, but unfortunately Jazeth is to incompetent to find him...

Jazeth:What!(The king glares at him)yes....forgive me father....The war is still proceeding as planned though....

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Panik had vanished and appeared outside of the throne room, something interesting was in his mind. 'It is odd, I find nothing compeling me into good, all I feel is to cause pain and destruction with cold blooded contempt. I think it was when that strange child clamped my face, the good slowly cracked it seemed, excellent.'

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OOC:Well, of course your a free lancer...We've looked for you but we didn't find you, and Josep fears you may be dead....we also finally arrived in Hikana where we will plan an assualt on the Dragon King.....oh and Jazeth has a personal vandetta against you Serenade...

Josep: So....Where is the almighty Ryuji?

Ryden:Well, he should be in the palace.....but knowing Lord Ryuji, He may be in the Hot Springs, Lord Josep....

Josep:Well.....that's expected....

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