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Dragon Guard - The 1st Trial

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Ryden stood his ground as the army aproched. He then spotted Jaine and couldn't believe his eyes. Years before the war he had loved that women but today he stood in front of her with a weapon at hand. Even though she was older then him his feelings for her never had changed but he was sent away to Ryuji before they even tried at a relationship.


Ryden took a step forward and the keeled on one knee and bowed his head. The army stopped and Jaine stood in front of Ryden at a distance. "Lady Jaine... please let there be no violence amongst all of us today."

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As the solder got close to Ryden he stood up and sent the solder flying towards another. Ryden took his stance with staff in hand and looked at Jaine. [thoughts] I knew I ment nothing to you in the past and I might as well admit to it.[/thoughts] Ryden then attacked the solders in his way as he ran towards Jaiine.

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Jaine:oh...how you've grown Ryden....(she blasts a large dark wave at him)


Josep:Jaine!(he brings out his sword and starts slashing some of the Dragon soldeirs, working his way in.) Michael, you keep them at bay over there! don't let them get any further!


Takeshi:I guess we get to do something(he brings out his staff)

Daichi:I guess we do(he brings out a giant axe)

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Ryden let his fist burst into flames and cut through the black wave. "It will take a lot more then that to kill me Lady Jaine. You of all people should know how powerful I was to begin with." He then finished a few more solder and then stopped in front of Jaine. Ryden looked at her and sighed. "Please let's not do this..."

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Ryden looked up to Jaine with hatred filling his eyes. "I will kill Raico be fore he gets his hands on the crown." Raico was much older then Ryden and they had history together before Ryden even became a noble. Raico killed his older sister Kyli and destroyed the village he lived in. He set everything to flames and left Ryden to burn to death but Ryden was saved by an angel that night many years ago.

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