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Dragon Guard - The 1st Trial

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Panik looked in amusement at the horror on the nagels face. 'Don't take it too harshly, there was nothing you could do. As soon as the dark charge was placed this town was doomed, shame I couldn't let it go longer, then the whole town would've beeen at peace, or pieces in this sense' Panik mocked and laughed.

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Ryden had found Panik and attacked him as soon as he saw him. "MONSTER!!!!" He yelled as his rage took over. A burst of red energy flames surrounded Ryden as he continued his assault on Panik. With every punch and kick he gave the man, Ryden's body felt no limit just more power. He then punched Panik full throttle as he yelled. "Sacred Flames of Tempest!" As Panik was pushed by the punch flames engulfed his body. Ryden then stood and waited for Panik to counter attack.

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Panik was caught off guard by Ryden and payed for it. He looked wildly at the flames when he started to make a hawking sound in his throat. The mouth piece on his helm opened and some dark liquid came out and doused the flames. 'A sneak attack, well aen't you clever. But, it is more honourable to fight when both of the contestants can see each other. You have chosen the fate of the sneka attack, so be it' Panik gravely said and then turned black and sank intot he ground.

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Ryden yelled. "I didn't chose that path you had your back turned to ME. First of all you should have been able to sense me, but more importantly you have no right to say that to me. You who kills so many innocent lives without showing any sign of remorse! You killed from a distance and spared no one!" The flames of energy grew wilder around Ryden and the ground around him began to give into the heat of his flames.

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Panik descended down and struck Ryden in the back with the shaft of his halberd, he laughed at the pain he had caused. 'Remorse is nothing more than a destructive self pity, where guilt also falls into that category. I feel no self pity for my actions human. You know, you should choose your words better, you said that I killed afar, but made it sound as if I should've murdered them one by one physically. But, you said I spared no one, then look' Panik said, pointing to the town. Several of the ocupents began to rise from the rubble. 'They were spared because this angel intervened, which is what they do most of the time. My blast didn't have enough time to full potential. In any case, this town is now worthless, to the world, and the Dragon King. Also, if you're wondering how i came down from the sky to hit you, well, i warped from the ground to higher places, you should tyr it some time, flying is an excellent medium' he said and turned to the angel. 'Another time' he told her and left.

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Panik stopped and stared at Ryden. 'Even in the agony of an injured back, he still tried. I find that so pitiful, and yet, odd. Humans are usually cold, calculating and greedy, but, maybe Diamond was right about some of them' Panik thought to himself. With a nod, he left, but after he generated a small sphere of light and tossed it over his shoulder. The sphere connected with Ryden and made him glow with a warm white aura. Panik just laughed as he vanished.

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Ryden looked as his body glew for a slight second. He then felt the pain in his back vanish. Ryden then stood up and looked at the Angel girl from earlier, He said nothing he just looked at her and wondered to himself. [thoughts] Who are you? and why is it that when I see you I feel...[/thoughts] Ryden stopped himself from thinking about it and ran over to the village to help the survivors.


Ryden helped the people gather what little belongings they had left, as he helped them out of the rubble. He then looked at what was left after the survivors left, he gazed on to the destroyed buildings and the corpses of not only men but women and children too. He then gathered the bodies he could and buried every last one of them. It took him hours because he was working on his own. The others arrived a long time ago but they did not get near Ryden. As soon as he finished burying them all he performed the tradition of his people and lit a torch for every person he found. As the fires burned and filled the air with their fumes Ryden sat on his kness and prayed for those that died. He then stood up and turned to Josep.


"Tell my Sir Josep... me and you are of the same age and yet we live very different lives. Have you ever felt true sadness before?" Ryden asked as he looked at the graves behind him. When Josep didn't respond Ryden turned and walked to Mina. He then picked up the sleeping child and smiled sadly. "I promise that I will protect you and this child until the day I stop breathing, Sir Josep.... because I will make sure that if I have the power to stop my enemy. I will." He then set Mina back down and walked over to a small cliff and looked on forward as the moon shined in the night sky. "Angel...please speak to me...and tell me why these people died today.... what did they...die for?" He said very softly.

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