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Dragon Guard - The 1st Trial

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"Devil Jin and you?" His eyes glow hateful heartless blood red.


|=|Necro, WTF? he wasn't talking to you.|=|


Haitame looked at the chariot seeing a man who was angry. "My name is Haitame. What do you want?" He gripped the hilt of his sword incase the man would try to attack.

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Panik looks and sees Josep is hurt. 'My lord, you are wounded, allow me' he offered and his hands glow white. He does some complicated hand gestures and Josep's wounds begin to heal. 'I cannot choose between you and your brother my lord, I was charged by your father with serving you both. You know I cannot decide either' Panik explained.

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OOC:Yeah it is....still, I worked to hard on this backstory to let it die.


(on a hill not too far a large figure appears)

Soldeir: My lord we have spotted the prince, the Generals offspring and the hunter Axel.There seems to be others but they are not on the kings list, should we attack?

Shishio Kaisuno: of course...Try not to kill the girl though. I'm sure her mother wants that honor.

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